Thursday Musings

May 20, 2004 08:52

On my way to the train every morning, I pass by an unmarked graveyard. It's just a small area, with a chain link fence, surrounded mostly by trees and bushes so it's pretty discrete. Nobody I've talked to knows it's origin, who's buried there, but every week there are fresh flowers on several of the graves. I've made up a cool ghost story that involves this graveyard, and I plan on freaking out my 12 yr old neighbour with the story one night, but that's another story.

So as I walked by the graveyard this morning, I reached into my shorts pocket and found popcorn kernel, which I promptly flicked thru the fence into the graveyard. At that moment, my mind was filled with an onslaught of thoughts...had I just upset the karma gods, or was I doing the dead a favor? Let me explain...

The popcorn kernel can represent a couple of different things here, and depending on which one you believe, I could be in store for some good luck, or I could be fucked. By throwing it into the graveyard, did I mock the dead, did I tease them by saying their lives were like the unpopped full of potential but ultimately unfulfilled? Or did the dead take it as a sign of renewed hope? the potential for everlasting life because the kernel represents hope...inside of the tiny shell is a new life just waiting to explode.

So, depending on how my day goes, you will know how these past-on patrons took my seemingly simple act this morning. If I get hit by a runaway bus, or my train derails over the Pitt River and I die in a watery grave, we can assume the dead were not impressed. If I win the lottery, or rescue someone from a burning building, obviously my dead neighbours took it as a positive thing.

Think of me and my ghostly friends.
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