
Jul 26, 2004 02:22

atop a high perch, with a self worth greater than the sum of its parts, a judge will depart their wisdom discriminately from the values of the book. these values may only be an interpretation, but read as a doctrine or read as a recipe for a 10 step program to living a pure existance. its a plan on how to get there, but the best part of the journey is that it was yours. no book can tell you how real love feels. no book can detail in personal terms the experience of losing a loved one. a common truth isn't written on stone tablets, gold plates, or thousand years old scrolls. common truth is to look them in the eye and tell them the depth of your pain and the extent of your bliss. common truth is to relate the struggles of life to the people you live with, to the people who share them. I know what its like to be alive, and I think you do too. lets start from there. emotion is relative, but lets not confuse the victim of a paper cut with an aputee. specifically because a personal experience needn't be relative to anyone else. the extent of pain isn't equal to begin with because the terms of the pain come from different organisms. what do you really want from life? can you prove thats actually what you want or would it seem otherwise to an observer? what do you value? on your path to enlightenment, understand it will not be easy. unless you take risks, the rewards may be bittersweet. at the expense of what I've gone through to get where I am, I wouldn't do it again. which is to say that I would do it once, and I have. expectation (pretense) is the antithesis of art. art is an expression of life. life is a condition that is neither garaunteed nor protected. ask a cancer patient. ask a homeless vet. ask a mortician. ask an emergency room surgeon. ask a survivor, but don't ask a victim. the survivors are the only ones with the good stories. victims are so involved in placing blame, that they'll attempt to take you down with them. the person placing the blame has the emotional responsibility of a child and deserves to be treated as such. ask someone who has been robbed of freedom, rights, or even privaledges to tell you what value their expectations have. its touching to hear the honesty of someone who's lost everything, but don't just walk away and forget what you've heard. someday you too will lose everything, including your life. respect the ones who made it back. honor the wisdom they share. live the journey for the means, or buy a front row seat and live vicariously for the end. if your decision is to stand by and watch, perhaps you may do yourself the favor of suicide. when you live the life of expectations, the life of controlled stability, the life of "get it now" instead of "be here now", you seek out death during life. theres plenty of time to be dead later. would you rather be alive?
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