Feb 02, 2004 03:09
you will not get what you want. your plans will not work out. you will die one day, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. the real challenge isn't to avoid death, its to embrace life. there is no such thing as time. all we have is now. you are what you eat (ouroboros). the duality of your existance will have you chasing yourself in circles before you realize that it actually has a name. nothing has a name, and everything has a relationship. everything has a context. subjectivity under the pursuit of objectivity, clearly confuses, more than it realizes (satori). know what you know. feel what you feel. if hypocrisy offends you, seek help (zen koan). if anything offends you, seek help. if you're seeking help, you won't find it. if you've ever been in love, you know that it happened when you least expected it. in fact, thats HOW it happened. pretense is the antithesis of art. art can be anything the artist says it is. artists are more of skilled tradespeople than they are salespeople. expression is the only way to know what you know. see what you see, for yourself, once you're away for a while, to know you never left. then come back. then go again. take it easy. work hard. take a break. be persistant. everything that you've experienced as a positive or negative result, was based more on chance and timing than your input. but you had input. did you put it in? simply do what you do, and do it well. then make some mistakes but not intentionally. just remember that you WILL make mistakes, and that you SHOULD make mistakes when you are making them, and you shouldn't when you're not. I don't have your morals. I don't have mine either. just remember that these lines that you draw are arbitrary. respect that which you don't understand. everything will change. smile when you are happy. frown when you are sad. live when you're alive.