Jan 26, 2004 19:26
I like music, I like music, I like music, I like music... gimme some music.
pour it into a single large glassware, spill a drop of it from the spout,
and watch it fall onto the counter, then lick,
and savor the sweet spilled music.
drip. drip...
drop that beat.
beat form, saying what I think, in the key of enlightenment,
and the journey to and from that light,
and the journey around the point of devastation, to the arch of splendor,
I just want to be honest
I just want the truth
you really have to stop drawing lines. once you start, where do you stop?
where does the next line go? its pretty arbitrary if you ask me.
maybe you shouldn't ask.
pick up that beat.
change it.
make some new music.