Dec 07, 2003 18:04
now i know you'll all think i'm some kind of whacko, but I don't believe in time. I don't. Its an illusion. See, I also believe that time is not a constant. I believe there's a gray area to time, and certain energies flows faster than other kinds. yes, you can quote me. I'm no fucking mathematician, or geologist or archaeologist, or quantum physicist, but rather, just an artist. how else can I be, but to feel connected to everything on an intrinsic basis? what does this mean? what the fuck is he talking about? wait, let me explain. what are you? atoms? does matter really flow in waves? is matter energy? so are you energy? or are you an ego? is it your mind? or is it the complete wholeness of your being that includes the functions of thinking, breathing, heart beating, touching, seeing, hearing all at once? I say you are everything, because there is no seperation of I from the universe. we are in a relationship. I and the universe are two ends of the same stick, and that's not even my words. there are more of us out there who think this way. we call the buhddists. we americans, call them "eastern religions." but our own roman catholic religion is based a little more near the middle east than american contiinents. but you are stuck in dogma, you are stuck in ritual, you are stuck in "church is for god, and the rest of the world is the time I get to sin in between seeing god" mindset. blow down your sails maties, this ships coming down! if all that time is to us, is the distinguishing of a universe into seperate parts and boxes and cataloguing it to be correct and linear and logical. But we've not mapped the entirety of existance into equations and patterns. In fact we don't even know if the universe is all there is. ever. you can't even think that big. your mind is now. you are here. think at this very moment , but make that thought count for something. and then make sure you do something important with that next moment coming up. oh no, I missed it. oops, there goes another one. and you're stuck. you keep putting traps in your way in order to step on them. just let it go, let that idea go with the others that maybe you don't know everything about the other galaxies out there, and whether or not life can be expressed in terms of other dimensions. its just out of our mind as much as the fact that we don't know everything about the human mind. we don't know how life works, we just know that it does. we have an idea of how it started, and then it just kinda morphed into what it is now, but life is just as possible as death, which is also possible because we witness it every day in our lives, if we're careful and look for it. go to a supermarket lately and tell me if you see that fresh supply of cut and cleaned MEAT. do you see that shit? you eat that. you eat enough of it as species to warrant killing that many animals so frequently as to keeo the store stocked to the brim. maybe if you made half of it, there might be a bit of a shortage every other day or so, but you don't have to kill an extra bunch a week to own up for the times that demand actually hits all at once. instant gratification or no business. we've grown soft to business. it kind of owns us... yeah. people want business as much as they want death, but they figure that death would hurt more. funny that its most likely quite the opposite. unless you believe in an ego after death. that your mind carries off somehow to a magical land where there are angels and lords and rulers and kings of men. where you'll find god and kind of all sit around patiently staring at eachother. or maybe you think that since everyone sins, that we'd all be down in hell, where its kind of hot or something. I heard that its hot there. someone apparently knows what kind of climates there are in the afterworld. kind of a black and white issue if you ask me. I'd say its more monochrome. or even possibly polychromatic. such as we see in ranges of wavelengths. we see the "visible spectrum" of color. we named it visible cause its what we see. clever huh? ok, so then what about those other wavelengths of light energy? well thats infrared, which turns on the tv. and there's ultraviolet, which illuminates the whites to make them glow blue... uv reactive materials. but it also forms a complete cycle of color. if you combine all the visible colors into one, you get white. if you subtract them, you get black. and these changes in color are quite different when reflected in pigments. pigments are chemicals that absorb specific portions of the light spectrum, and reflect other portions. you see the light that is reflected back into your eye. the universe exists in a negative of the color you see. the actual chemicals in the paint, and in the elements are the exact opposite color of the ones your brain puts in catalogue. its a circle baby, you have to wrap your mind around it. so if we can interpret color and sound and feeling and emotion in terms of ranges that are basicaly cyclical, then why can we not relate our interpretation of time to a system of ranges as well. why does time have to be so linear, and so ... just behind us all the time. the future is supposed to be the unknown, but have you ever relived the past? well, if so, you also must know the unknown. did you know you are in the unknown when you are dead. were dead. this is the period of "time" that falls "before you were born," and "after you died." but when the fuck is that? I dont' know, I couldn't think at that time. I didn't have a fucking MIND yet to tie me to the idea that somehow time is linear. fuck. so there! ha!!! don't you see it now? I'm right huh? see? I knew I was right. just think about it a bit, ok? what do you really really know is true?