Created By : disneygirl89
Anime, Books, Disney, Movies, Manga, Disney Princess, Fairy Tales, Pokemon, Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Doctor Who, Bones, Chuck, Community, Zachary Levi, Ben Barnes, Lady Gaga, Muse, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Traveling, Paris, Disneyland, Tokyo, Video Games, Phoenix Wright, The Sims 3, History, Joel Mchale,Yu Gi Oh, Yu GI Oh GX, Yu Gi Oh 5d's, Alice In Wonderland, True Blood, Phantom Of The Opera, Harry Potter, Asia Dramas, Animation, Disney's Tangled
Must have something in common with me to become my friend . Must comment on here. I'm a friendly person and don't bite. I will most likely add anyone who have common interests with me..