The last semester of university has already begun to take it's toll. Still, I'm here and I've only got three months to go. I thought I'd give a quick update on my resolutions. So here we go ...
The running has been going well. I started a week earlier than I had planned. As it had been so brutally cold (minus 20' range) since early December, I decided I'd wait 'til the second week of January to start my running program. I figured once the semester started I could simply get to university early and run indoors on the track. The thing is, it is was really nice weather one day during that first week of January, so I decided to go for a run.
I felt great as I began my run. In fact, I was a little frustrated at the "run for one minute, walk for two minutes" thing that I was tempted to just run the whole way. I thought better of it and I was glad that I did, because by the end of the walk/run that first day, I was pretty beat.
I ran again on the Wednesday not realizing how cold it was. I probably wouldn't have gone had I realized, but by the time I started running it was too late. At the end of the run I was glad I did though.
Nick runs in the bloody cold
I ran again the following week and that was good too. I made the mistake of running one day at around 4:30PM. It had been a particularly warm and sunny day, but by the time I started to run the sun was starting to set and it had become a fair bit cooler. The temperature didn't bother me, it was that the snow that had melted onto the asphalt path had begun to freeze - resulting in black ice. I was walking when suddenly I found myself on the ground. I was okay, but when I got back home I discovered that my underwear had ripped and that I was bleeding from the ass/hip area. I looked completely ridiculous!
This week the weather has been quite pleasant and I've been keeping up with the running. I find it to be a nice stress reliever. I've adjusted my diet slightly and plan on becoming a little more strict with that as the weeks go by. I also plan on adding in some sit-ups and push-ups in the weeks to come.
Nick gets ready to run on a typically lovely winter day in Calgary
As for the other resolutions, things are going well. I started with the local pregnancy care centre and I'm very stoked. I'm going to be going to high schools and junior highs to talk to students about abstinence. I've observed a few sessions so far and I've been amazed at how receptive the kids are. I think this is totally up my alley and can't wait to get trained and start teaching.
Reading a book a month is off to a good start also. I read one biography on a MMA fighter. It was a pretty simple read, but I wanted to get off to a good start, especially with all the reading I have to do at uni. I likely won't get into any books that are too in depth until the end of April. Still, I'm on track for one a month.
I have not done well on saying "yes" to things though. I've had a few opportunities to do just that, but I didn't want to. One friend asked me to participate in a murder mystery for some church fund raiser. It sounded pretty lame and I just wasn't into doing it. It also happened to fall on the night of some fights and that alone was enough to get me to decline. In fact, I've turned down a few invites because this month is a crazy months for fights.
I was also invited out by a classmate (previously know to this blog as Cunty) to join her and a couple of friends (including Mulva) to go ice skating. It probably wouldn't have been horrible, but I didn't want to.
Anyway, at least I'm more aware of saying "no". Still, I'd like to say "yes" more so I'll have to keep working on it.
Finally, I've not been taking the dogs for walks. I only aimed to do it once a month and there's still more than a week left in January, so I'll be sure to make that resolution stick.
All in all I'm doing alright with the resolutions. I'm feeling very positive about life and about life in Calgary in particular. I love the weather here and I especially love the winters. The constant blue skies brighten my days. I'll leave you with a cool pic I took last night. It's the view from my house overlooking the river valley at sunset. Calgary rules!
Sunset outside Nick's window
Buh Bye! (click)