I had a lovely Christmas. Despite the deep freeze we were in it was largely stress free. Any shopping I did was done via the internet. I felt stressed on the 23rd when I was in line at the grocery store. The place was insanely busy and everyone seemed grumpy. As the line I was in slowly inched forward I kept having to look skyward and say a little prayer asking for my own peace. Apart from that one excursion to the grocery store it was all good.
Camille was very surprised by the Dick in a Box that I gave her. HA! I didn't actually give her that. Instead I used a little of my own creativity. Her church had had a Christmas banquet a couple of weeks before Christmas which we attended. At one point someone made reference to the Christmas song
Feliz Navidad. The mention of that song prompted Camille's sister to turn around and mutter with a frown "I hate Calypso Christmas music!" This was hilarious to both Camille and I, so I stored it in my memory banks as a good comic should.
Later, a preacher was sharing different aspects of the Christmas story. He explained that people often confused the wise men with the shepherds, but that they were very different. He related the fact that it was the shepherds who were there for Christ's birth, while the wise men arrived at some later point in time. To show the distinction between the shepherds and the wise men, he said that the shepherds were considered to be the lowest of the low and unclean because "they spent their day amongst blood and discharge". Camille, her sister and I looked at each other due to the peculiarity of that line. Once again I subconsciously shoved that moment to a place in my mind where it could be retrieved later for comedic effect.
So for Christmas I decided to make a card for Camille. It was made from construction paper. I had tediously cut and glued letters onto the front of the card so it read "Wishing you a Calypso Christmas". On the inside right flap I had constructed a shepherd out of coloured bits of paper. A speech bubble sprung from his mouth and read "I hate Calypso Christmas music ... but it sure beats blood and discharge! ♫Feliz Navidad♫ ♫Feliz Navidad♫". On the inside left flap was a sheep I had built from more bits of coloured construction paper. This poor little sheep was however in the process of barfing a huge puddle of puke and was bleeding from the shoulder. I has also included a personal message for Camille. Needless to say she loved it.
I also got her
a bag and a blanket from Sari Bari, and
an Anthony De Mello book. Additionally, I framed up a picture of the two of us. On the matting of the picture I printed up
a poem that we had heard together at a
Slam poetry reading a couple of months back. Yeah, she really dug that one too. Funny that the card and the picture cost me less than $10 of actual cash and those were the two things that she dug the most. Hoorah!
Buh Bye! (click)