I had a good weekend except for sunday

Jan 12, 2009 11:56

Friday I got my general box #2 done. Saturday we went to the beach and then cooked dinner for our guy friends.

Sunday sucked.

I walked to Poetter computer lab and got back before 5 because we had a hall meeting and I couldn't get any of my sound files to work to I needed to regroup before I went back later that evening to get stuff done. I replaced the batteries in my bike light, got all my stuff together, walked out the door and my bike is gone. The lock is lying on the ground, open and obviously not opened with a key. Campus security says there is nothing they can really do they can notify the police and if it turns up I might get it back which is unlikely. So now I need to get a new bike, get a job which requires that I have a bike to get around but I need money from a job to get a bike. I think I'm going to ask my parents for the money and charge the cost to my credit card because I need a bike.

And I still need to do some reading for class because I need to take an online quiz.
I need a job so bad and no one is calling me back so I have no idea if they don't want to hire me or just never check their messages.
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