Sep 15, 2005 07:38
Guess what Guess what!?! Steve came to visit my journal!!! I'm SO happy!!I also got an e-mail from my mom, I'm happy about that too!!
Tim and I went out to Perkin's for dinner last night... well acctually it was breakfast. I had chocolate chip pancakes and he had a The Wake Up Platter. ^_^
I've been downloading so many songs off of LimeWire. I love this program!! I downloaded one for my dad, it's called Feel Good incorporated. It's cooly wierd.
Oh my gosh! I found my favorite song of all time! It is called Rock Lobster. I had know about it, first, from Donkey Konga, then I heard it at this Halloween shop at the mall, so I downloaded it and it is so cool! Then I saw that Peter Griffin sung it on Family guy, and that is just the icing on the cake! ^_^
Tim and I are going to try to do Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo in October! I am excited, but then I asked him last night if he wanted to do the race for the cure in October, and he's like I don't want to have a big fight about this. And I'm like: "wha??" and he's said: "I just don't think it'll be much fun." Well I shut my mouth, 'cause I didn't want to get angry. I'm going to make him go. It IS fun, and it is for a good cause, not to mention that my grandmother had breast cancer, so that kinda peeved me off that he didn't even take that into account. For three years before I moved to PA me and my mom and my Aunt did the race for the cure, and he did it for the Karen Nuwburger team (who is a P.J designer at Yonkers) so we all got to run in our free pink and white Pajamas! It was loads of fun, and there were all kinds of venders and free shirts and things. I really want to go. With or with out him.
Wow, long post. Ok. I'm outta here!!