Aug 22, 2005 12:51
Ok, so we got back from vacation yesterday, and I think we are going to move back to Iowa. (Freaking A! We should never go on vacations anywhere 'cause we just end up spending thousands of dollars to move there!!!)
But to tell the truth I want to move back to iowa really bad. Tim and I are thinking that we want to buy a little house in Valley Junction. I (sense haveing visited the hasting college and finding their dental hygenist program was much to sophisticated for me) have decided that I want to own a day care! I also found out that my friend Hannah wants to do the same, so if me and Tim move back, Hannah and I will take the classes together at DMACC and open a business together!!! Tim will take his construction courses of course, and then we will be back on track in our lives! The only problem is that we haven't told my mom all of our big plans, so as far as she knows we are still moving to Nebraska next year! How can I tell her that we want to move back in Iowa in less than one month!! U_U, how do I get myself into these situations!!! Ugg..
I vistited Kitsune's journal and there was a SO CUTE picture of her and her iguana (Lance) oh wow... I want one so bad right now! He is so cute and big, and... cute! But I think 3 cats, 2 dogs, one snake and one bird are quite enough for the time being... maybe when we move back to Iowa... and my moms not around to yell at me... and if I fix Tim a special dinner... and save up nough money... then maybe I'll get one!!!
ok, I'm going to go now!
Bye Bye!