(no subject)

Oct 13, 2007 23:51

I've been working on the new community and that's what's kept me from writing TC, TC. There is so much work that has to go into these things when you plan on opening a RolePlaying Community and I'm finding out that it's not as easy as I thought it would be. However it's still fun as hell and I'm really excited about getting things finished up and opened.

I offer up a story set in Universe of the Mythiarians which will be explained at the com once it's open. Please note that by no means is this story to be considered CANON for the com. It is, however, CANON for The Mythiarian Chronicles of which the com is based off of. (The Mythiarian Chronicles is fanfiction that I've created and still writing on. Not a published book or anything so don't bother looking for it xD)

Title: The Mythiarian Chronicles - Blood Pact
Pairing: Ryan/Greg/Lindsay (sorta)
Rating: FROA (NC17)
Warnings: Very AU, Vamperism, Lyncanthropy, Bloodplay, Dubious Consent, Death of a Canon Character
Beta: Currently Looking For One
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters therein are sole property to their respective owners and in no way are being claimed otherwise. All characters unrecognizable are of my imagining and are the sole property of tanzensiemit and can not be used without express permission, including the term Mythiarians when used in the same context.
Summary: The Mythiarians have been living amongst humans since the dawn of mankind. Coexistance has worked. . .until now. The resurgence has begun.
Author's Notes: I actually asked my sister to give me three random names from any of the CSI series and she came up with one from each. She had no clue what I was wanting it for. xD It looked like a challenge so I went with it. The Mythiarians are, essentially, all sentient inhuman beings living on Earth. They are the Vampires and excreta with a modified history to fit within the Chronicles. More information on them can soon be found at

Enjoy! ConCrit is appreciated.

Coming off the L-train in Brooklyn with a cell phone plastered to one ear and a hand pressed firmly to the other, Lindsey growled in frustration. Four months on the job, the same four months in the city, and
she still had no idea where the hell everything was. It was driving her insane! It was a handicap that she was trying her damnedest to overcome but it was taking time, time she didn't really want to spend. The
country girl wanted to be able to make it in the city and she wasn't going to do that by having to call Map-Route every time she ventured outside her apartment. And God help her if her boss found out; he might stop letting her solo.

The overly cheery voice of the Map-Route operator brought Lindsey's attention back to her current problem; finding her crime scene. It wouldn't have been a problem if Mac hadn't pulled Stella off the case at the last minute for a scene down near the river. It wouldn't have been a problem but it left her without a ride to the scene. Maka was meeting her out there and was going to give her a ride back in but she had to take the train to Metro then navigate to where the body was. Silently she cursed and pushed herself along with the moving throng of bodies currently crowding the platform and headed up and out to the bustling New York streets above.

Luckily the scene was close by and miracle of all miracles, she’d managed to snag a cab to get there in under twenty minutes. Lindsay paid the cabbie and trekked up the block towards a pacing Kaile Maka. It looked to the Montana transplant like her friend was a little paler than usual and frustrated if the impatient tapping of her stylish flats meant anything. It meant that the scene was bad which lead the CSI to think of two things right off the bat: Children and severed limbs.

Both were equally disturbing to find at a crime scene but the former was one that Lindsay could never really handle. Children were supposed to be the true innocents in the world and for someone to harm them, to abuse that innocence, just sent icy waves of revulsion and burning anger through the young woman’s body. If it was a baby Lindsay was sure she’d do something regrettable somewhere during the course of the investigation. She’d be as calm and collected as she could while gathering and processing the evidence but knew that once she went home, where she was safe and huddled in her bedding, she’d scream, cry, rage, and mourn.

Right now, however, as she moved down the concrete sidewalk, she had a job to do and it wasn’t going to do her one damn bit of good to get worked up about it before she even knew what was waiting for her. Lindsay lifted her hand and motioned for Detective Maka’s attention. The dark headed woman caught her gesture and looked up. Her lips her pressed into a grim line and those dark eyes seeming to seethe with repressed rage. Lindsay tried her best not to shudder.

“Hey Maka, what do we have?” Her twang rang out crisp and clear with an edge of trepidation coloring the question.

Kailie shook her head and turned her eyes to glare at the building beside the sidewalk - the crime scene. “It’s a bad one, Linds. Mother and daughter looked to be headed out for the day and was attacked in the hallway. There’s blood leading from halfway before their door to inside. It only gets worse from there.”

They walked up the muck colored steps and into the building. Already the cloying musk of to much blood permeated the air. Lindsay’s eyes immediately zeroed in on the dark coloring that stood out against the bright yellow paint that lightened the narrow hallway that lead towards the victim’s apartment. The blood swept on side of the hall and fell in fat droplets that splattered the fake wood floors and lead the two women to the splintered door that gaped open to a scene of pure carnage.

Lindsay felt her stomach roll but she clamped down hard on the rising nausea as she crossed the threshold, clutching her kit tightly to her side. Attentive eyes swept the front foyer and noted what looked like yellowing tissue littering the floor, leading off towards a small kitchen to the left. Monroe saw a ravaged arm peeking out from behind the corner of a cabinet and figured that was the Mom. She started towards the body but movement down the hall caught her attention.

Peyton Driscoll had just removed herself from the little girls room and was moving down the short hall with faltering determination. She’d been a medical examiner for many years and liked to think that she was almost as unshakable as they came. Her own favorite pastime had been entering in friendly wagers and contests over the more unusual bodies that moved through the morgue, so she knew her constitution was quite steady and her ease with the horrors of death were at an even keel. But this. . .this depravity wrought upon both mother and child sent chills racing down her spine and bile scratch at the back of her throat. The Brit saw falling curls and immediately headed towards the familiar CSI.

“Hey Doc, what’s the diagnosis?”

“Not good, Lindsay. Both mother and daughter were brutalized beyond anything I’ve seen in a long time. The mother has been ripped limb from limb and is scattered throughout the kitchen. After you’ve taken your preliminary photos and such I’ll have my boys start bagging them.” Peyton shook her head and turned to look back down the hallway. “As for the little girl. . .liver temp puts her time of death at least two hours after her mother. Unlike her mother, however, her neck was snapped then her little body was cut open and the organs eaten. It’s clearly a mess and I won’t know everything until after I’ve examined them further.”

‘OhGodOhGodOhGod’ Lindsay swallowed hard and nodded. Licking at her lips she said, “I’ll snap them quick and send the bodies off as soon as I can. Anything you can find about what cut them up and open would be great. I’ll be looking around here for anything that could do it. Thanks Peyton.”

The pathologist nodded then returned to the little bedroom to collect her kit and leave instructions with the two attendants she’d come with. She left word with Maka that she was headed to another scene and to remind the young CSI to call her when the bodies where headed back to the morgue. She wanted to get to work on the little girl, especially, as soon as possible. With one last sad look at the pitiful apartment with its dead occupants and a mournful glance down a dim hallway, Peyton left leaving Lindsay to the gruesome task of collecting evidence.

TBC . . .

csi: ny, mythiarians, fic: blood pact, csi: miami, csi

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