(no subject)

Nov 30, 2007 19:00

Title: For Better or Worse
Author: Sev(Tan)/Mathilda
Fandom: NCIS/CSI:NY Crossover
Characters: Jethro Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo, Don Flack Jr. (others mentioned)
Rating: FRT
Prompt: #3 - Tony leaves D.C. for NY after Gibbs returns from Mexico.
For: Kat/Ryan
Disclaimer: There should be a law about these things - seriously. >=3 Unfortunately I do not own either of these shows nor am I writer of the scripts, so therefore I'm not claiming as such to either association. However, I wouldn't mind owning these characters because - RAWR - the things I could do with them . . .
A/N: Okay, so probably not what you were actually after but I tried! *grins*

Tony hadn't understood, at the time, what it all meant, what Gibbs being back truly entailed. Not until he caught the calculating look in Director Sheppard's eye - Madam Director, as he often mused, much to her displeasure and the team's amusement. Those brilliant, scheming, eyes told him, in a single glance, that his place was no longer guaranteed, that the balance of power had shifted once again now that the top dog was back in town. And it didn't matter that Tony had done everything in his power to keep the team from falling to pieces when Gibbs had up and left, that he'd been pulling more than his fair share of the weight to make sure that the agency didn't loose face and bargaining power, and it was him that had to pull the shit op that Madame Director herself hand selected just to make sure that he could keep McGee and David under his command.

Not that it mattered, not in the long run. Ziva never trusted him and still thought him inferior - she'd called Gibbs for help after all, never once coming to him with her problems. McGee, Tim, forever Probie. . .he was coming into his own and Tony was actually very proud of that fact, but it wasn't the same. He didn't need Tony like he once did; didn't constantly look to him for advice anymore. Honestly, he could live with that because it meant that Tim was growing and he wouldn't have to worry about his friend. And Abby. . .he didn't even want to get into the emotional train wreck that had been. They'd gone to the brink and back many times, sitting on the floor in her living room with nothing but ice cream and broken sobs between them.

And all it took for everything in Tony's world to come crashing down, all it would always ever take - Leroy Jethro Gibbs had come back to reclaim what he should never have abandoned in the first place. He showed up and it seemed that all at once everything reverted to how it use to be, only different. The team had grown in the Gunny's absence, learned a few new moves, and had come together to try and fill up the gaping hole left in the Bastard's wake. It hadn't been easy and Tony honestly thought they'd made progress, that they were starting to truly appreciate and understand his efforts - He should have known better. As soon as Gibbs came a callin', they dropped Tony like a hot stone and went a-barkin'.

But now he got it, he understood - He was just the temp; always had been and forever would be.

It had been a hard decision to make but Tony knew it'd be for the best. NCIS had its top agent back and a team of folks ready and willing to work their fingers to the bone for that man, they didn't need nor want him any longer. So he polished his resume, put in for the built up sick leave he had left after the whole Yersinia pestis affair, and packed his belongings. Tony didn't know how he was going to adjust back to civilian employment because make no mistake, NCIS might be a civilian agency there was nothing civilian about the way they operated. But he was determined to make it work. He had to, if only for the sake of his own sanity because God knew that he couldn't be left to his own devices for long before something broke and that something was usually Tony himself.

Luckily he didn't have to wait long - three days in fact - for something definite came through. He'd sent his resume to a few friends in the surrounding states and one of them - Tony was sure it was Franko from Philly that did it - sent it up to New York where it came under the nose of one Brigham Sinclair, Chief of Detectives. Shock of all shocks came when the man's assistant had left Tony a message that 'Chief Sinclair would like for you to come in to discuss your qualifications. . .'. Who was he to turn down an invitation like that? Two days later he was a Detective Third Grade, leaving D.C. for New York and all the Big Apple had to offer.

Madame Director hadn't been happy when she opened her email and found his resignation, no more so than Gibbs had been when he received the same thing. But Tony was smart, for once, and had changed all his numbers and was safely out of the state before he clicked send. He was just surprised that Sheppard had the good grace to keep her trap shut on his shortcoming and gave him a, if not glowing, decent recommendation. Gibbs. . .well Tony was pretty sure he had Abby trying to track his ass down so the Reservist could kick it. That was fine too. Gibbs could do his worst and Tony would just grin and bear it long enough to let the bastard get it out of his system then he'd let him have it with both barrels. He didn't have to put up with the man's shit anymore.

Though, when Tony walked through the front plaza and up to the second floor, he couldn't help but feel a little let down that the blue eyes that narrowed at is arrival didn't belong to the man he'd secretly been lusting after for five years. Then again, once he got a good look at brunette that those eyes did belong to. . .well he wasn't disappointed for long. Especially not when one of his killer smiles and a well timed innuendo brought up a delicate blush ghosting across the man's pale cheeks.

New York might not be anything more than just another paragraph on his resume in the long run but Tony was going to make the most out of his new job. . .And he definitely had plans for one Detective Donald Flack Jr. that would help him make his time there memorable.

csi: ny, ncis, tony dinozzo, rating: frt, crossover, tony/flack

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