Oct 21, 2005 17:08
whats up? today...ah i could barely get out of bed. i'm so exhausted.. i dunno why though.. i fell asleep in child dev. today. miss cepuch put a movie on about babies er whatever we were learning about n i put my head down n i was outttt! n then i woke up n they were takin notes.. lol she doesn't wake you up if you're missing something important. :-/ i think i got them all though. lol..yeh also today i had band auditions, i sucked horribly. gosh it makes me so upset i about cried lol! i get upset too easy. but thats ok..my friends cheered me up :) i had a algebra 2 test today...it was easy...im pretty sure i did alright!
last night was soo much fun...ugh i wish it woulda never ended! phil i miss you already..omg everyone i know i talk about him n like every entry but hes just too good to be true. but yes i had loads of fun with him and jake, heather, n kimmy! my closest friends...ah you guys if you read this...i love you all! lol..we watched part of gladiator, smallville...n then we played bs... lol you know that game where you have to lay down certain cards and if you dont have the card you have to lie about it n put another one down...well i lied once but phil went right after me n he layed his card down even though he knew i was lyin lol ..he just decided to not get me caught :-D lol hehe anyways we also ate n junk n then jake n heather left n me kim n phil went back to phils n dropped him off n then i came back home...n got here at about 10:45 n then went to bed!! thanks for comin guys!
hmm what else teo write about... evan is coming home this weekend from college...so hopefully i'll get to hang out w/ him some!! i haven't seen him n ages! its been forever. there's also a bonfire this weekend that i might be going to...i dunno tho? i wanna. those are always loads of fun...
aww poor kristy! she got her tounsils takin out..i talked to her the other day..she says shes in a lot of pain..i can only imagine..so keep her in your prayers! but kristy i'm writin this for you so hopefully you get a chance to read it..i hope you feel better soon!! i love you! muah
alrighty well i think thats all for now... thanks for reading ..have a spectacular day! xoxo
<333 tanya marie