Jun 19, 2006 11:19
Sorry I keep being in a rush to update but i just wanted to tell you about my day yesterday because it was so cool and just shows the great parts of Spain. In the morning we went to the rostro, which is this gianormus flea market and walked around and bought presents and stuff. I then went home and slept for another 4 hours becuase i had only slept for 2 hours the night before. I than went to the park with friends and we chilled for like 4 hours listening to a drum circle. Every sunday there are a ton of drum circles in the Retiro, and one giant one by the water with people selling beer out of trashcans and people just smoking up constantly and dancing and its crazy.
We went out to dinner at this really cheap falafal place and my dinner cost my 4 euros, which is so cheap, and then we went to this chilled out hookah bar. It was great, i was so relaxed by the end of the night (the hash in the park prob helped a bit) and it was great. I like our crazy nights out but i also love, absolutly love, days like yesterday.
Oh Im also excited about watching the Spain world cup game at this plaza on this giant screen. I have been watching the games at bars most nights and its so much fun, yay futbol.