Random Thoughts of a Ginger-1/7/25

Jan 07, 2025 16:25

I was thinking why about the weather, we always say God I would love to be a weather person, only job you can be so wrong in so much and still keep your job, but then you think about it and they are looking at all these computer models for all over telling them that how is what it is going to be and a lot of the times each model is a little of from the other or others so they got to guess as McCoy told Spock. just about I left Colorado they said we were going to get like 2 to 3 inches on front range but we got nothing from Denver to the north were I love but got it heavy to the south, east and west. so everyone was like you missed again.xoxo

I saw that is is cold and snowy almost everywhere here in America, and a lot of places all off in areas in the north part of the earth, so why not we all move south, also why is the south warm then the north in all counties but the south pole is cold all the time?. xoxo

Why does the Earth spin around east to west and not north to south?. I know why but do any of you lol.xoxo

Why do people smile and Laugh at Subway when they ask you 6 inches or a foot lol xoxo

Why is 4 inches of snow a lot but 4 inches of penis is not? xoxo

Why is it okay for  guy to be fay but not a women?.xoxo

Why is it okay for a guy to go without a shirt but not a women?xoxo

Why is sports all guys sports that are Pro, but no real pro women sports other than golf and Tennis?.xoxo

Would you watch a Pro Cheer league were thew women Cheered and dances against each other and did event like tug-of-war, mud or jello wrestling with cheer outs like in high school and in pro football and Teddy's?xoxo

Why can't men have babies?, if they could i bet they would change their minds on taking women's right away from then about having kids.xoxo

Why that is what I was thinking of today. Prayers to all the World, Love you all, Xoxoxo, Goodbye for Now

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