Aug 29, 2010 21:11
I dropped off the "packages" at the clinic today. Yuck, I am glad that's over with. I accidentally spilled some of the preservative out of one of the containers, so I hope I don't have to redo that one. Heheh, re-doo. Seriously, I am like a five year old. Having less pain/urgency today, so that's good! I slept about 12 hours yesterday/last night, and I think it makes a big difference in how I feel physically. Mentally I am in a better place. My boyfriend D has been over a lot too, and that helps, not being alone. I do worry about taxing his/my family's emotional resources. In some ways it is harder to be the person whose loved one is sick. So, the more positive I am, the more positive they can feel too. It is mutually reassuring to look on the bright side, realistically of course.
I picked up a copy of Dubliners @ the library since D is a huge Joyce fan and I want to be able to share in the conversation. He gave me a copy of Ulysses, but it intimidates me so I thought i'd start with something easier. I'm looking forward to reading it.