New Rules v 2.0

Dec 31, 2037 09:00

~This Journal is Friends Only~

If you are going to comment on anything here, especially if you want to just argue without PROOF, then you will be mocked, ignored and banned, not necessarily in that order. If you drop in on posts older than 6 months old with no good reason, you will be mocked, your comment deleted and banned again not in that order. This is my little corner of the web, and if you don’t like the rules feel free to leave, just close the door on your way out.

PSA...New Rules v2.0, edits courtesy of meihua

Newer Rules of this LJ s of 2-6-2010

In this LJ I am attempting to create a safer space. for friends, allies, and others who may need somewhere to land on the net briefly.

On this LJ, please:

* Don't non-consensually debate me or others. And if you're wondering whether or not I've consented to debating with you, the answer is to ask me if I haven't implicitly invited debate on ______ topic. Sometimes the answer will be yes, other times it will be no. If I tell you no, the answer is NO.

* Don't derail discussions.

* Don't mansplain.

* Don't Whitesplain: The “explanation”, or “whitesplaining”: “I said this/did this/behaved this way because I was being ironic/trying to illustrate/racism doesn’t exist anymore/didn’t think anyone would be offended/it CAN’T be offensive because this this and this/I said it to my [insert ethnicity] friend and THEY weren’t offended…” snagged from here

* Don't make comments which are homophobic, biphobic, racist, fat-hating, transphobic, misogynistic, cissexist, ableist and the like.

* Unless you are going to start paying for my LJ time, then you (collective you) do not have the right to criticize my writings here. Constructive dialog is welcomed, but out and out unprovoked criticism is unwelcome.

* Don't like what I post? Don't comment. Very simple, so simple I'm not sure why people can't seem to do that more often.

* Follow the rule of - If you can't say anything useful, constructive or unless I asked for your opinion... then keep it to yourself.

* My posts are about me for the most part. Don't make MY post about YOU, because I don't like it.

Doing any of these will get your comments screened and you'll be asked to reconsider. Everyone says something stupid sometimes. I know I can be guilty of foot-in-mouth syndrome at times. But be prepared to be called on it / own your privilege / back off. And in the same breath, please do call me on it, and I expect you to. I'll do my best to listen.

That is all from the management. Carry on as you were.

first impressions, et al, first post, allies, friends, who are you?, safe space

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