In case you have gotten the following error on Facebook when trying to post links:
You appear to be using a browser plug-in that attaches spam to your
Facebook posts. To complete your post, please remove this browser
plug-in or switch to a different computer.
and you have AVG Virus Protection 2011, there is a default setting about adding a scanned by AVG link to your posts that FB is treating as spam. To fix this issue:
It turns out that the latest version of AVG has a feature which inserts a
message about links being safe when you post them on Facebook, MySpace,
etc. Deactivating that fixed it for me. Go to your AVG advanced
settings menu and find LinkScanner, then uncheck the box about inserting
messages into and MySpace posts.
Answer courtesy Yahoo! Answers, which actually had something useful to say.
Originally posted on tanyad @Dreamwidth. Feel free to comment here, or