Fail, just utter fail AGAIN

Jun 25, 2010 21:04

So... in watching the utter fail continue to spread across the universe based on this nasty Haiti RPS/Disaster porn fic, and the flail, OMG be nice to meeeee! shite going on in fandom again, I've got some basic rules for you to follow.

1. It is NOT the author or anyone else's job to educate you when you fuck up. We can tell you that you have fucked up, but we (fandom)has other shit to do besides educate you. Google is your friend.

2, If you are told you have fucked up, DO NOT FLAIL AND GO OMG YA'LL ARE SO MEEEN, WAHHH and act all butthurt about it. You will live, and hopefully grow into a better writer/person/fen due to your fuck up.

3. For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT COMPARE people pointing out your fail to gang rape. (Screencap) Just no, godsdammnit NO. [ETA: I fucked up the html, but it looks like the OP deleted the post anyway and a good chunk of her LJ, oh well no real loss there.]

4. A few people commenting and having intelligent discourse does not a dogpile or mob make. Realize that, and if you can't take some online chatter from people you don't know from a housecat, just GTFO the internet, and come back when you realize that you fucked up and people are trying to tell you that, not mob you.

5. Understand you can do and say racist, fucked up shit without actually being a racist. Don't jump into the OMG YOU CALLED ME A RACIST! I've got a black friend boat at the first mention of your fuck up. No one honestly cares that much to expend a lot of energy on exposing your racist action or words. At the end of the day, no one cares about you and your butthurt feelings.

6. Own your privileges. Understand that there is some shit you will not understand because of your privileges and no one can undo that or make you see that straps of your invisible back pack unless you are willing to do the heavy lifting on dropping that privilege like a hot potato.

7. Lastly, GET A GODDAMNED BETA READER and listen to them. If they tell you the piece is a hot mess of racism, privilege and just fuck no, dammit listen.

That is all from your local POC fan who is utterly sick of people's fucking fail in all aspects of fandom.

Originally posted on tanyad @Dreamwidth. Feel free to comment here, or there

what is this i don't even, fandom wank, woc, fanfic, sci-fi, poc, psa, fandom

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