May 28, 2006 15:45
I don't know if I wrote about this a while ago, but I sent my blood in to be tested for a genetic mutation. My mom's dad's family has this mutation in the BRCA1 gene. Everyone has this gene, but some of us have a mutation. They named it BRCA1 because the mutation increases the risk for breast cancer and ovarion cancer. There was a 50/50 chance my mom got it from her dad, which she did. And a 50/50 chance I got it from my mom... which I did.
This doesn't mean I will get cancer, but I am "genetically predisposed" to it. I can't really DO anything til I'm 25, but I can eat right and exercise. I can take the pill to decrease chance of ovarion cancer, but the pill does have estrogen in it and while there is no proof that the pill can increase your risk of breast cancer they do know that estrogen can increase your risk of breast cancer. So after using the pill for 10 years, I should take a break for a year. My 10 years of use will make me 25.
It's cool though. Just, blahhh. I always thought I was invincible; like I'd be the child without the mutation. At this point I hope Kelly's the one without, since she definitely has kids. If she doesn't have it, Andrew can't get it. It's okay if Tyler has it cuz he should never have kids (in fact, it wouldn't be fair if I have it and he doesn't). There's a chance I might never have kids... being a pilot and all. I mean, I think I would like to have kids. I would like to breast feed before removing my bits and pieces. But... I think if I do get either cancer I would opt not to have kids. In boys, the mutation shows up as predisposition to prostate cancer.
Jake Gylenhaal is hot. So is Mike. Guhh.
Really. I'll be okay. It's just rahter disappointing.