
Nov 13, 2004 23:46

Life after MSN.. first installment

Hi. My name's Tanya and I'm an MSN Messenger addict.

We've just moved house and... we don't have the net anymore!

So, now the MSN scene has ended. This is me... stripped of MSN messenger.


Officially it has been... a little over 24 hours since I last logged off MSN.
I'm already starting to have withdrawals from not hearing the little 'ding' sound of someone messaging me.

Wow, I'm pretty sad yeah? You must think so. Well, before this droughtage, my life was almost a living recipie step by step guide:

-Wake up
-Turn on computer
-Take a slash while starts up
-Connect to net
-Automatically log into MSN Messenger
-Hear the 'ding' to clarify I had new email
-Check email
-Check friends list
-Sit at computer until 6pm repeating the above 5 things
-6pm (note: Simpsons on t.v) most people come online
-Ding Ding Ding (mimicky msn alert noises)
-Chat till about 12pm
-Set video record timer for the Sullivans (3am)
-Leave rig on or put it to sleep

Repeat everyday.

I'm sure alot of you out there in this wide wide world are like that in some way. Maybe not with MSN, but with something else... like, jogging or some other pointless rubbish that isnt as good as MSN.

Hmmm, I think it's time to leave the computer right now and come back and start writing again...

...several minutes pass...

Nah, reckon I'ld stay here... sitting at my computer is as comfortable and natural to me as it is for a baby to be in the fetual postion in the womb. I realised, I do have a life actually... even though most of you probably would highly disagree. I have an INTERNET life.

Meh, at the moment it's 11.39pm and I'm bored. Mega bored. My room is so boring now without the internet - goodbye internet life, computer is useless to me, except for music. Computers are changing the way humans live. I wonder what the technology will be like in 20 years time. I wonder if I'll be 'in' with it or I'll be one of those people saying 'well back in my day, computers were all i ever thought about...until it got too fancy for me'.

Oh no, I've just thought about something... things change everyday, what happens if the next time I log onto msn there's a new version and I'm not smart enough to function with it? Or I've missed out on major gossip to only be the last to know! :o (surprised emoticon) nooo.
My heads feeling faint from nausea, I think I'm going to be sick...

...10 minutes later...

Nah, didnt chunder or anything...but I do worry if I'll miss out on something. The equivilent of me missing out on something new on for example, is just like the next die hard fashion victim not having enough money to buy the new hip 'in' outfit. It's heartbreaking really.

Your probably wondering how I got so addicted to MSN, when I think about it, I don't really know how it came about either. Another question that remains unknown in my head. If I had to blame something though, I'ld have to say my friends told me to use it back in... year 7? The year 2000 to be exact. I remember first using it and finding out my crush's email and talking to him. Talking to a crush over MSN is so much easier in person! No wonder internet dating is so popular - it's so easy! At least I knew I wasn't talking to a pedophile, which these days is so easy.

Anyway, I remember one of my first long-term relationships with someone at school started on MSN. Lets say his name was Edward. He was a bit of alright and was my first french kiss! All thanks to MSN doing me a favour and not having to talk to him in person whilst confessing my crush! MSN Messenger, you bloody ripper!

My first drought of MSN usage began during term 3 in year 8 (2001). Dad got a job offer in NSW and I refused to leave until I finished year 8 so I boarded. Boarding was wicked fun, except for;
1) the school server blocked msn. I got used to it though, I had my friends around me to actually talk to, so I didn’t think much of it.
2) my bedroom was tiny - the current residence now uses it as a sick room.
3) no neopets L they blocked it back then too.

So, 2002 came and I moved to NSW. I had access to MSN 24/7 since I got ADSL Broadband. I was constantly logged on, chatting after school, in the morning before school, on weekends and spending late nights chatting away to friends in Tasmania and other randoms. Ahhh, those days were grand, actually, I probably didn’t spend that much time on MSN that year as I made new friends at my new school and hung out with them.

NSW wasn’t working out for me. I thought I was getting a lack of education and was wasting my time there, so I decided to board back down in Tassie at my old school in 2003. And yes, yet again… no MSN. School server blocked it out… or so we thought. In the middle of the year, we realised we could use it… until they found out and blocked it out. So ripped off! How are us boarders ment to communicate properley with loved ones over the seas. I remember going over to my friends house, just to use MSN - Yes, I was desperate.

And now, I’m 17, living in Melbourne due to low funds for the school I previously went to. I’m unemployed, I’m taking the year off from school… so, I have nothing else to do. Boo. I have to find another life now. One without MSN, one perhaps without the internet in general. Why do you hate me God? Then again if he hated me as much as I thought, I wouldn't have an almost D cup sized tits.


A week later since I last logged on. My fingers shake at my keyboard, waiting for someone to talk to me. Waiting to press alt+tab to open that conversation window. What was that? I swear I just heard someone sign onto MSN; Yes! I have friends! -wait, I don’t have the internet anymore, how is that possible for someone to sign in? And now I realise… it was all just in my head.

Don’t cry, don’t cry, it’s only a computer program that lets you talk to someone. Is this a tear? Why am I crying over a program that takes up 5.06 megabytes of space on my computer? Take a deep breath. Now I know what a drug addict who’s becoming clean feels like...

I took a cold shower before. It was refreshing and nice. Dad says we’re getting the internet again, but not for a while. Oh man, what am I going to do until then? Even when we do get the net, I won’t be able to use MSN for more than an hour. I feel nauseous again.

Am I going crazy? Why do I even bother using it in the first place? Why? … why? … why? Is it just for the people I talk to? Is it just to keep in contact? Is it something deep in my brain that survives purely for MSN Messenger?

Some people live for the fortune, some people live just for the fame.
Some people live for the power, some people live just to play the game...
And I live… just to use MSN. That, THAT right there, sounds so sad.

Quitting smoking cold turkey didn’t even compare to 0.1% of the pain I feel right now…

I finally admit; MSN is my window to the outside world and I'm the lonely one who depends on it. Is MSN the new boyfriend?
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