Lives change, people change, and needs change. I've done so much changing and growing in the past couple of years that I hardly recognize the person who started this journal 5 years ago.
In December of 2008, I foreswore the last of the oaths still binding me to the cult that was my former religious community. This began a healing journey that still continue to this day. Through the first few months of 2009, I "jump started" my spiritual and magical practice by making a commitment to do *something* every day for 90 days and journal about it. In November 2009, I underwent a rite of passage severing all ties with my former cult and helping me move on with my life. The same day, I was invited to join the first religious group that has ever really helped me to establish my own identity and my own personal, meaningful spiritually that genuinely reflects who I am as a person, not who someone else wants me to be,
Three Cranes Grove, ADF.
During this rite of passage, I took an oath. Part of that oath is;
"I will do my best to walk with virtue, honor and piety and to treat myself, my friends, my kin and my community well. I will work to grow, and learn, and develop a genuine spiritual path that reflects my heart and mind. I will work towards healing and consciously commit to the process of recovery."
In keeping with this oath, and probably a lot later than I should have waited, I am now seeking to remove all negative, hurtful, unhelpful or stagnant influences in my life. To that end, I've spent a lot of time seriously looking at my friends list here and trying to decide who here is still a helpful influence in my life. Most of the people that I have cut from my friends list haven't updated or commenting in over a year, but a couple of people that I removed I just do not feel are helpful influences to me at this time in my life.
While I know that not everyone will take this to heart, please understand that the decisions I have made about who am I and am not still sharing my journey with on this journey has everything to do with me, and nothing to do with anyone else. If you've been removed from my friends list, it is not because I've made a judgement about you as a person, but rather because I've made a judgement about what I, as a person in recovery, need or do not need in my life.
Thank you for being part of my life, and to anyone that might be upset with my decisions here, I'm sorry. Again, it's not about you. It's about me and what I need in my life at this point.