[Tan's comm crackles on, but the only thing transmitting at first is static. Brig + West Nile + about a week of not eating or sleeping like a normal human being anyway means that he's in bad, bad shape.
On the upside, the heat in the brig means he can sweat out the fever, right? Right? ...Nope.]
[And we're back to static. It's
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Besides, like, Carnival.
...better brig than Carnival.]
...How--how're you feeling?
[You're not well enough for this bullshit, Tan. Who the hell did you kill this time?]
[The best part of a fever is the shakes.]
What can he do for you in there? Ironhide's posting with a cold, but Herz hasn't quite made the connection. He saw Tan earlier this week--he was doing shoddy then, it just makes sense he'd be doing worse NOW.]
I--I-I'm ss--sorry.
It--it really won't be long. I--I-I promise.
Three days.
[He hopes. That's how long it was last time.
He's not sure he'll survive it, Herz!
A staticky thump. Tan's just going to lie on the floor and try not to die.]
I know, but--b-but--but you'll get--you'll--y-you'll get through it.
[...mostly because he's relatively certain the Captain won't be letting his captives die during punishment.]
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