016 [open commentlog]

Sep 06, 2010 18:25

[First he harassed King--friendly, of course!--then he tormented Bryn--possibly a little coy--and then he annoyed Herz--entirely accidental. From sixteen to female in a matter of days. He's not sure what's next and he's not sure he wants to know. At least he knows he still prefers men to women.

And now? Now Tan is sitting in his usual jeans and tank top in a booth at Sergei's and nursing what he thinks is a well-deserved beer. He's got his right side to the wall, so his scars aren't immediately visible, which means that...well.

Any passersby who knew a certain Mihaila might just mistake him for that particular, now missing member of the crew.]

sex swap, open commentlog, !torin, !daxter, !leo, !spike, not standard operating procedure, event tiems

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