[Closed commentlog] Backdated to June 25th

Jul 02, 2010 19:56

[Other than a few brief intervals of consciousness, Tan's spent most of the last 24 hours in Herz's room, sleeping like a log. Even now, it's not until late in the day that he finally wakes up, and that's mostly because he's hot.

Roasting, even. Kicking all the sheets of Herz's bed brings no relief. A cool shower helps a little bit.

Except now he's awake. And kind of bored. And definitely hungry. He'd leave the room and go back to his except that the wolf might still be in his room, and if it is, he's got no way to get back into Herz's room. He doesn't have a key-card for it, after all.

So he digs around the room a little (hey, at least that alleviates the boredom!) and ends up flopped on the bed fiddling with a few dice he found tumbling around.]

!herz, closed commentlog

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