Journal Fin

Apr 04, 2005 09:39

I haven't posted in a while and I'm not posting here anymore, ever.

Everyone on LJ is a whiney dramatic emo kid (except betsy and fred.)

None of you are ever happy with the things you have, all livejournal seems to be is a place where people complain about how bad their problems are. You know what? I'm sick of it. You people pretend like your problems / suffering is greater than anyone elses and that you can't cope with it. You know what? I don't want to hear any complaints. I've had fucking cancer and had alot of friends die, i'm not going to college which has practically doomed me to a live of semi poverty, i live with my parents, i'm going to have to have knee surgery in the coming months, im having religious conflicts. I can't find a significant other. But you know what? I'm still happy.

I had cancer but im cured now and don't worry about it incessently. My friends have died but they live on in my heart. The fact that i do something i love INSTEAD of going to college says alot about what im willing to sacrifice to live my life the way i want to. I'm grateful that my parents are willing to keep up with my residence here and pay for my food and shelter (and internet connection) I'm not worried about the knee surgery because i've had to live with this knee for the last 6 years and i know that it probably can't get much worse. Religious conflicts? I'm grateful for the fact that i even have religion / god in my life of any kind. I'm a bit lonely without a girlfriend but hey, i'm 19, i've got a long life ahead of me, and right now, what i probably need anyway is solitude and time to get to know myself better.

People need to stop complaining about the things they don't have and start being thankful for the things they DO. No one loves you? Bullshit, everyone is loved by someone. If i've met you, then trust me, i have love for you. Drug problems? Stop doing them or stop being associated with the people who do do them. If your friends are your friends they'll be supportive of a choice to avoid drugs and they'll do what they can to help.

Everything starts with what you do with YOURSELF. Stop the emo bullshit and start FIXING your problems. Do the right thing.

I don't mind people complaining about their problems, what i mind is people not DOING anything about them. Or intentionally making them worse. The fact is, that solving problems is WORK. And it's not always easy. People will always love you. But no one will ever respect you and your problems if all you do is complain.

This concludes my livejournal
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