O M Stars

May 17, 2007 11:03

Me now:

Wrapped in a blanket, wriggling my toes. I'm cold, and I'm waiting on my green tea to stew. I feel energetic, but I can't decide which project to tackle.

A. The depressing state of my messy room.
B. The front garden that needs weeding becuase clover and violas have overtaken the shrubs.
C. Or perhaps I should bake a loaf of bread.

I have a couple of things I want to read. My textbook, to refresh my memory, Light on Snow which I started last night and seems simply wonderful, or that book on psychogenic dwarfism that has yet to arrive in the mail.

Also, my new Wave Rider 9 running shoes are due to come in the mail soon. How I want them - how I long for traction on my feet!
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