Sep 22, 2009 00:25
Yay for being roughly a quarter of the way through the semester. Things are going well; busy as all hell as usual. Sometimes I feel like I want to breakup with Eric just so I can have more time to devote to schoolwork; how pathetic is that....!?!?
So, I'm still working on this whole "be happy, everything will turn out ok in the end" thing. It's taking some getting used to, but overall I like it.
Life is good, would be better if I had more time for fun reading, but I'm working on that. Actually, today was pretty good overall. Did get to do some "me" reading this morning, then had a cafe mocha at the library (Bliss in a Styrofoam Cup), talked about the Romans getting squished by Hannibal's troops not once, not twice, but over three times, and then spent the day helping (or trying to help) people with their papers.
Not much interesting stuff to say. Homework is like a black hole that sucks up every spare moment, and Eric sometimes latches on for the ride (although he gives amazing back rubs so it's usually not a problem). is why I don't update my journal very often; I'm leading a terribly boring life right now. Good, just boring. Tomorrow I'll try something artsy and witty (and by tomorrow I mean possibly several weeks from now, when I get another spare moment, lol)