Jul 18, 2005 21:47
it really hasnt been that long but a lot has happened in the last week and a half or so. some highlights for your enjoyment:
I started my very first full time job on Monday July 11th. I'm still currently in training but by Friday I will have my own clients coming in and be semi on my own...very exciting. Training has been insane. I feel like some days we just go over all kinds of details that I learned in my accouting and econ classes and other days just fly by as we shadow our peers. It excites me that most of the things I have to learn about investment and finance will be things I learn on the job. At the same time, I came into this job telling myself that I hadn't learned a thing in my four years at UCLA but I've come to gain respect for my knowledge in the past week or so. I really do know a lot more about all of this than I let on sometimes...but don't worry I am in no position to manage your assets just yet ;) I am so grateful for the opportunity that this company has given me. I am going to learn so much in the next few years and I am more motivated than I have ever been about anything in my life. I actually ENJOY waking up at 5am everyday and take pride in being at work ten minutes early (and if you know me you know I am perpetually late to everything in life). I think I have finally come to realize that my workaholic nature is something that was barely tested at UCLA. And I mean workaholic in a good way, as in motivated to succeed, to have it all, and to do it all. All of the managers and "high ups" are some of the most inspirational people I have met. I only wish I had had that at UCLA...maybe I would have actually cared about school a little bit more. It all comes back to surrounding yourself with positive people, I suppose. And this new job has already proven to be a step forward in that area rather than a step backwards. There were still doubts in my mind that I had chosen the wrong job and that I should have gone the path that everyone does. But being at work everyday has already confirmed in my mind that this will be an environment that will challenge me mentally and physically (10 hour work days are no piece of cake) and I'm glad that I decided to take the path less travelled by once again...
On top of the new job, I also turned 22. Thanks to everyone who called, left me messages, sent emails, baked me a cake. This year definitely outdid last year by 2.5 million percent. I am glad to be home and surrounded by so much love =)
On a more sad note, Pranav moved to Chicago to start his master's program and eventually go to Med School. And when I say sad, I actually mean that I am so happy for him and the fact that he has so many opportunities ahead of him. But in all honesty, it's hard to let go of someone like him. Not because I miss having a boyfriend but because I know I will miss his companionship and all the little things about him that only I appreciate. There are few people in this world that know me like he knows me and tolerates all of the weird things that make me who I am, and that is what I will miss the most. Who knows if we will ever even see each other again or what state in our lives we will be in the next time he is in California. I dont even know if he will ever read this, but I think I have come to realize how much stronger than me he is. You are truely brave for moving to a whole new state, out of your comfort zone, and starting from scratch. It is something that I always talk of for myself but know in my heart is something that I would never do. I hope you know that everyday you are an inspiration to me to try a little harder, work a little more, and be a better person. When I try to put myself in your shoes for the last year I find that I am failing in comparision to the ways you handled life. You have qualities that no one will ever be able to see on your resume or dpr but that I know will take you far in this world because I see you like no one else does. Even if you are gone I'll still remember you for a long time, dont you forget that, tyb.