I'm always late with this one. I only got to discover just how multi-faceted , talented & badass
kbluefeather is when I moved across the country. Oh sure, I heard her sweet karaoke chops before,and got to raise an alcoholic glass or two in the same bar together, but...she was always
jooneskus' booby buddy. Until her trip to New York. Without making it about me (ahem), this girl saw me at my worst and still gave me a thank you note and smile when she and her boy left the city. I admire her risk-taking, creative energy and understanding. She's the kind of girl who looks good in pearls and can also cuss like a sexy sailor. Who can live it up with shopping and costumes and fancy dresses and red lipstick and dishing about pop culture and also want to save the world. Who works and loves theatre and gets uber-real and down-to-earth in other realms as well. I hear her hands are healers. Gotta love her.
I'm sorry I missed your birthday & I'm sorry I missed taking on Seattle with you, Keridwyn. I know that this year is going to be amazing for you. Can't wait to see you & give you bday hugs. And NYC is here for you whenever you're ready!