Feb 03, 2005 21:34
What time is it?: 9:34pm
What is the date?: feb 3,2005
Why are you filling this out?: Last resort
-*-*YoU yOu YoU*-*-
Full name: Kaitlin Betty-Jane Cumpstone. Heh, I sound like such a hick..
Do you like it?: No.
Nicknames: Kaity, Kait, Tink, Blondie, Blonde-o, Ketty, Kit..etc
If you could change your first name, what would it be?: Jane. I guess I could go as part of my middle name lol. Jane is pretty, yet plain. I like it.
(same as above) middle name?:..Betty-Jane..
Age: 17
DOB: 01/05/1988
Height: 5'3"
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: blue
Where do you live?: Biggar
Do you like it there?: Yeah I guess I do, there just isn't much here to amuse me.
Why/Why not: It's a cute, safe little town. I like to feel secure =\
Where were you born?: Saskatoon
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Shoe Size: 8
Grade: 11
School: BCS2000
GPA: Dunno
Parents names: Kathy and Dave
Do you have any siblings?: Yhup
If so, what are their names and ages?: Mike(24), Stan(24), Suzan(28), Derrick(15)
Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?: divorced
Pets: yes
Names: Midnight, Niki, Puppy, Gog, Fiesty, Iggy, 4 turtles, and some fish, and um, a snail.
Do you like your family?: Not particularily, but it works.
Favorite relative: Aunt Helen.
Number: 12, 7, 8
Color: dark purple, white, black, silver, blue. Brown symbolically
Car: The one DMX drives in Exit Wounds is very hot.
Season: Spring
Holiday: Christmas
Month: July
Day of the week: saturday
Grade so far: 10, it was the grade where I most knew who I was.
Sport: Bball, soccer, darts...pool...swimming...rollerblading...haha I'm not competitive.
Class: Psy, Art
Teacher so far: Mrs. Gosselin. SHE LIKES NIRVANA!
Drink: Apple juice, or any other fruit. Chocolate milk, vodka.
Candy: Mmm Jolly Ranchers are good, it doesn't really matter. Chocolate.
Food: Speghetti and Meatballs
Fruit: Every fruit, cept for tomatoes, dates, pruns and raisons.
Veggie: carrot, celery, lettuce, cauliflower
Dessert: Pie probably, but that doesn't matter either, anything'll do.
TV show: simpsons, family guy, the OC, South Park, Beavis and Butthead, Clone High, That 70s Show
Radio station: rock 102 or 1330 am
CD: Maybe MTV's Unplugged in New York (Nirvana)
Movie: Just one? For now I'll say it's Orange County.
Actor: Jack Black/Tom Green/Adam Sandler...anything along those lines. Pick one.
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Song: That's impossible, you can't do that to me. But just for fun, I'll pick Sappy.
Word: Fuck. Haha...Spoon. Knob. lmao *dirty*
Phrase: "It takes one tree to make a thousand matches, but it only takes one match to burn a thousand trees."
Animal: Cat/Tiger
Flower: Long stemmed rose, lily, crocus, sunflower
Clothing store: Doesn't matter, I'll buy em from anywhere.
Article of clothing: Nirvana shirt, red pj pants, my long sweater thing
Underwear: My thong that says "over easy" on it and has an egg and cup of coffee on the front
State (that you've been to): Dude, I've never been out of Canada, you're making me feel bad here.
Ice cream flavor: You. lmao..yeah, no. lol Uhm, any? I like cherry cheesecake
Breakfast food: Waffles or French toast and hashbrowns
Way to have fun: Talk, party, make out lol
-*-*ThIs Or ThAt*-*-
Me/You: Me
AOL/AIM: unno
CD/Cassette: CD
Radio/CD: CD, then you have a choice.
Slow dance/Freak dance: FREAK OUT! Get freaky...haha I don't care.
Jeans/Khakis: Jeans
Jacket/Coat: Jacket
Leather/Pleather: Leather
Sparkles/Bronze: What are we talkin about here? Mmmm bronze?
Sexy/Hot: Hot
Car/Truck: I don't care, I like trucks, but they're harder on gas.
Civic/Acura: I couldn't care less.
Corvette/Camero: Older cameros
Strong/Weak: Strong
Upset/Pissed: Pissed
Tall/Short: Short
Lunch/Dinner: Lunch
Abercrombie/Hollister: Abercrombie
Gap/Old Navy: Neither?
Nsync/BSB: *spew*
Britney/Christina: *crap* I mean..*puke* haha
Love/Lust: love
Gone In 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: Never fully seen either.
Inside/Outside: Outside if warm and no snow.
Lipstick/Lipgloss: meh
Silver/Gold: silver
Piercings/Tattoos: piercings
Football/Basketball: bball
Thunder/Lightning: thunder is exciting, lightning is beautiful...in combination they're intimidating
This/That: That...*sigh*
Who is your best girl friend?: Katelyn
Guy friend: Lindsey
Do you get along with people easily?: Pretty well
Why/Why not: I'm easy to talk to, and find it easy to talk to others. I'm not stuck up, I dunno.
Who have you known the longest?: Kendra
Who do you dislike the most?: Bailey can suck it. Haha
Was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them?: Not really that close, no
Craziest: I don't know, depends on what kind of crazy...like clinically crazy, weird crazy, wild crazy...?
Loudest: Lianne. Fuck. Shut up.
Funniest: Hah, what's funny is that I find my humour most appealing.
Quietest: I don't know.
Sweetest: Evan
Most caring: None of you fuckers care.
Most understanding: No one, which is why I can't talk to anyone about things.
Kinkiest: Heh...yea I dunno. No comment.
Sleeziest: Dan
Best dressed: Amber has some cool stuff
Biggest flirt: Ashley, it's embarassing. If only she knew.. poor girl.
Most likely to have a 2 year relationship: I'd say me, cos I'm easy yet compatible.
Cutest couple: Lindsay and Josh...awwwww lol j/k
Most loyal: Well I guess, I think I'm still Katelyn's best friend. She's been my longest best friend so far.
Most athletic: Brittney
If you were stuck with only 2 friends, who would you pick and why?: Evan because, well, you know... and...hmmm Courtney, she's funny. All of you guys would get annoyed of me too fast, and vice versa. We'd probably never speak again after.
If you could date >ONE< guy friend, who would you date and why?: How about Evan? Like, the next time I see him, say Saturday if I ever hear from him! grargh
If you were the opposite sex, which member of the same sex (as you are now) would you date and why?: I don't know, it may seem surprising, but I have never thought of this before. Nor shall I start.
Most likely to be on America's Most Wanted: Brendan
Most likely to be a stripper: I don't know, someone hot with no other skills.
Doctor: No idea.
Teacher: Katelyn
Stay at home mom: Not me.
One you'd travel across the world for: Give me the money and I'll make it you.
If you could take 5 friends to paradise with you to live, who would you take and why would they be the best?: Evan(b/f), Katelyn(best friend), Lindsey (other best friend), Courtney (funny), Stan (cool and to play guitar) lol
Biggest wanna-be playa (boy): Lindsey, poor lindsey
Biggest wanna-be playa (girl): Ashley, poor, no wait, slutty Ashley
Biggest thug: Thug? Uhm...Conny lmao...gross
Smartest: Chelsea?
Who would do anything for a thousand dollars?: shane
Who has the nicest parents?: Me, I can do like whatever I want, they don't care.
Who is like your adopted sister/brother?: Lindsey I guess
Who is the most like you?: No one.
-*-*LoVe n ReLaTiOnShIpS*-*-
Do you have a bf/gf?: Yeah, but if we don't see eachother this weekend, it'll probably be over already.
If so, who?: Evan
If not, do you have a crush?:
If so, who?:
How long have you liked your bf/gf/crush?: A bit before I dated Dan, and then after we broke up and got to know eachother again.
What about them do you like so much?: Talkative, sweet, funny, really nice
What is their strongest quality?: He's a good listener
Weakest quality?: Close minded
How long have you known them?: One year
What physical feature attracted you to them first?: Nothing physical haha
Personality feature: Talkative
If you could kiss one famous >MUSICIAN< who would it be and why?: Uhmm none of the bands I listen to have hot musicians lol.
If you could kiss one famous >ACTOR< who would it be and why?: Josh Hartnett, he's foxy
If your single, why do you think you are?:
What was your longest relationship?: almost 4 months
Shortest: none
Who was your first love (if you've had one)?: Dan >.<
Do you miss them (if your not still together)?: Nope. Not anymore. He can fucking stay there.
First kiss: Dan
Most recent kiss: Brook >.<
Who is one person you've liked but >NEVER< said a thing?: Josh probably, that was a long time ago.
If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?: Getting into the car with Dan instead of Evan. That way I would've gotten to know Evan better and probably would've dated him instead of Dan.
Do you have any regrets?: Yeah, I'll never trust someone fully again.
Last thing you said: "No."
Last song you heard: One Inch Punch- Pretty Piece of Flesh
Last person you talked to: Shane
If you could get back together with an ex, who would it be and why?: Not a chance.
What are you doing right now?: This and listening to music.
What cd is in your cd player?: Built to Spill, the Von Bondies, the Eagles, and 2 other random ones.
Are you cold?: Nope, got a sweater and a blanket. I'm good to go.
How are you sitting?: Leaned back, feet up, ankles crossed.
Is there music on?: Yes
If so, what song is it?: Black Heart Procession- When We Reach the Hill
What time is it?: 10:40pm
Where are your parents?: Mom's on her computer. Dad is probably watching TV in Maymont.
How old will you be when you graduate high school?: 18
Are you going to get married?: Probably
Although you cant tell who you'll marry, is there anyone you'd wish it would be?: No
If so, who?:
Are you going to have children?: Yeah, I can see it
If yes, how many?: No more than 2 haha I almost typed 32...nasty
What will you name them?: Well, it'd only be all up to me if I was single, and I hope I won't be b/c they'll be planned...so I don't know. I like lotsa names.
Do you want to go to college?: Yes
Which college: UofS
What kind of car will you want to drive: Something small with low gas milage.
What kind of job will you have: Therapist/psyciatrist/psychologist
Whats your expectations for when your 25?: To have a life
-*-*HaVe YoU eVeR*-*-
Drank: yeah
Smoked: No
Skinny Dipped: no
Prank called the police: no
Been followed, ect by the police: no
Been high: no
Done drugs: no
If so, what?:
Stole: no
Met someone off the net: no
Been in a fist fight: I punched a girl in the face when I was 8
Punched your sibling/parent: yeah, haha, I split his lip
Wished you'd die: sometimes, but I know there's too much to miss
Tried to commit suicide: no
Broken a bone: yeah
Driven illegally: yeah
Thrown things at your parents: frisbee? =P
Runaway: no
Filled out a survey this long: one had 500 Q's
Do you right in cursive or print?: mix of both combined
Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: right, practicing ambidextrousness
Do you believe in God?: yes
Whats your religion?: some sorta Christian. I believe in what I think is right.
What do you think of rainbows?: They're beautiful, but you can't touch them. Just like most things in life.
Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: yeah
If so, where?: ears pierced
If not, do you want any, where?: Piercings- 3 more in ears, eyebrow, maybe lip.
What do you think of Eminem?: He's funny
Is Tupac Shakur really dead?: Yeah
What do you think of Britney and Justin?: Give me your money.
If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: It'd depend.
Do you drive?: yeah
Do you have braces or glasses?: no
Like milk and cookies?: yeah, not so much milk, but it's okay
Ever worn black nail polish?: yeah
If your a guy, have you ever painted your nails?:
Girls, what color nail polish do you have on?: dark blue
If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: read thoughts
If you have a magical power, what would it be and why would you want it?: Change a person's thoughts. Kind of controlling hey? lol
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: Stalk the sexies haha :P Or play nintendo in someone's house to freak them out.
Do you do things even when your parents say no?: My parents don't say no lol
What is your favorite song to "rock out" to?: Lots
Ever taken anything from a hotel?: I guess so
Did you talk to your crush/bf/gf today?: No..:(
If so, for how long?:
If not, why not?: His phone's not hooked up yet.
Do you think this is stupidly long?: I have nothing better to do, even though no one will read it.
Did you like it?: whatever
Why/Why not: flarglin?
Do you like me for this?: Yes, now come here. haha
What time is it?: 10:54pm
What is the date?: feb 3,2005
Why did you just do this?: Why did I not just do this? Huh? :O lol