Sep 07, 2005 22:01
When a city sleeps her dreams are bleed into the night air, we breath these dreams and in our dreams we take a piece of her soul to twist into ours. Tonight her dreams are of pain. But pain is nothing to be sad about, it is in pain that we are given the proof of life, in pain we are reminded but our blood that we are not yet gods, in pain our weakness our revealed and we can either learn from them or cry.
Everytime it rains i challenge whatever god(s) there may be to strike me down in the furious storm of lightning, yet still i breath. I find religion to be a poison, a false hope that limits the progression of man. We are so disgusted in our own pitiful existence that we create a dream god to facilitate all the things we wish we had, chiefly power. We latch on to the power of this supposed 'supreme' being in order to make sense of this world. Well the way i see it this world is the bastard child of chaos, born from the void of space for no reason we could comprehend. And we will never comprehend it if we keep playing fantasy games and creating gods...
I've met alot of people who seem to be searching for the meaning of life...but i think everyone fails to see the big picture, they're to busy raping reason. I think the meaning of life is there is no true meaning, i think it is our jobs to create our own personal meaning to life, not to search for a pre-existing one. WE ARE THE ONLY GODS.
Well seems I've rambled on. That's what I do. Love me Hate me, i don't give a fuck.
I'm here and you're there. Do something about it.
Driving faster
"Something cold is forced inside her a tear spills down her cheek. Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer, yeah hymns of the needlfreak. With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don't care, her dreams are liquid blue. I cut myself again and again to remind myself of YOU."
---Scream of the Butterfly
-------------By Acid Bath