Brittany Spears and the Bush Administration

May 18, 2005 11:43

Initially my thoughts first turned to Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake with the visual of a bunch of mothers in frantic mode. They let their daughters dress and act like her, now she's pregnant and you have to know this statement is being said:
"My boyfriend is just like Justin! Well...he sorta is like him..."
Payback for allowing your daughters to follow the corrupt pop culture to hell.

My mind turns to something more pressing. Too many people are living on the edge - the direct result of a two time Republican Administration with a good ol' boy "elected" by the heads of the world bank system and Trilaterals - NOT you and me.
While that may sound like a conspriacy theorist at work, it is. Or isn't. Just depends on how much you know about the real politics of this country for the last 40 years (if you can get a copy, read The Trialaterals Over Washington. It makes the "Skull and Bones" theory look more made up than people claiming to be true Vampires).
And we sit here lulled into complacency, convinced standing on the precipce of financial collapse is our own fault.

In the early to mid 1990's, there was a freight train bearing down on all of us though few recognized it for what it was. The name of the freight company was "DOT.COM" and it was sucking in kids fresh out of high school who had no experience in anything, let alone making the leap from after school job money to $40K or more in a year. Hand money like that to any kid and watch it get spent like water through a sieve. It didn't matter if their parents and family were money savvy - it only mattered they could afford anything pushed on them through the mass advertising media swept up in the mix. Everything was for the taking if your salary was enough to qualify you. Once it crashed the fallout of flying bodies, twisted lives, and broken spirits became hindsight to those caught up in its vacuum.
And only yesterday did Congress get credit card companies to back off their insanely high interest rates and predatory practices. Why was that so long in coming? Oh, wait, think back a step when Bush signed into law how much more difficult it will be to file bankruptcy for your average citizen, forcing more homes, cars and little saved money into the hands of those who already have their war profit money waiting to snap it up.

War time profiteering. I'm amazed this hasn't fallen into a mass RICO act suit. Of course, the bite was taken out of that as well about 6 years ago which means we had the same administration then as we do now. Its simple math and we have failed to make that grade. Not surprising.

There is one thing that confounded me about society and perception in general: If you ship off a bunch of Reservists for a year to year and a half and they are garanteed their real job when they return, then what part of economics was missed that is was nothing more than false numbers of "economy recovery" during the last presidential election? Smack in the middle of having the most troops overseas it looked as if the economy was "recovering".
No it wasn't. It was hop-scotching the job market. Rotate a bunch out for awhile and watch unemployment numbers come down. Rotate them back in and watch the unemployed numbers rise! There is nothing conspiracy theory about that. Its simple ecomonics.

Remember what I said about it not being our fault?
I lied.
Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

Now that you are paying attention what are you going to do about it?

Probably panic like the mothers who let their little girls dress and act like Brittany Spears who just realized it wasn't "harmless" to let that short leash become a look out of the corner of their eye from a distance.
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