Nov 13, 2005 20:47
So after being frustrated by having our second till so far from bar it's hard to hear the drinks called out, another barista and myself cut out the bottom of Venti cups to create megaphones.....
His was named "Ye Olde Bugle" and mine, in responce to some joking earlier, was called "The Union Bullhorn of Social Reform!" and we then proceeded to spend the rest of the day calling out drinks, orders, and the random insult to each other. At one point we even aimed our horns high towards the Chapters that we are attached too in hopes of rousing one of those book sellers...
Then the two of us got stuck tandeming on only were our sense of humours such that we could play off of and build each others jokes, but we also tandem well (I tandem well with very few people because I have a tendency to take over the entire bar).....fuck we had so much fun (scared a couple customers though I'm sure) but sides have never hurt so bad after a shift...