Seeing as the rook won the vote by 7 to 5 or so at the time I left to go to the city, that's what I got pierced.
Here's a picture of my week-old rook:
So far I have to say it's been pretty good going... there was a day or two last week where it got a little swollen and tender, and I remember my industrial (other ear) doing that too in the first week or so, so I wasn't worried. Other than that it's been behaving perfectly.
I think the best thing about this piercing is that because it's nestled within the folds of cartilage, it's not susceptible to the knocking, catching and pulling that the industrial and other helix piercings are prone to... and lord knows having hair catch on that or accidental knocking was agony, as well as a frequent occurance.
Props to Tyler at NY Adorned, and to
pj_41 who came along and held Dashiell while I had a needle stuck in me (seriously people, it's not the needles you have to worry about, it's when they put in the receiving tube and fiddle around putting in and closing the jewelry).
Oh, and on the day we were in NY heading to the Devachan salon, we walked past Voltaire, who was looking very spiffy in various pinstripes, and his son.