It has been a helluva crazy year.

Dec 27, 2011 01:32

It seems things are about to regain some semblance of normalcy in my life again. If my memory serves me well, I think I started this year wishing for more excitement and, perhaps, newer experiences. In a way I got what I wished for - this year has been somewhat different on retrospect. But every single year serves to outdo the previous one, don't they? If they don't, well, I'm better off six feet under.

In 2011, I am 20. Twenty lies between 19 and 21; and in Singapore where you're sort of only considered an adult when you're 21, being 20 is like being in limbo. Most of my friends around me - or rather, those who are close enough to me to share their experiences - show a marked change in their personality, a change in their thinking, their philosophy, their everything in this year of being 20. This is probably what people mean by affirming your sense of selfhood (even though that phrasing makes it sound lifted from any old badly-written bildungsroman).

Selfhood or not, whatever it is, I tried many new things in 2011. I wrote more, I read more, I've seen more, I also drank more (ahahaha). I tried to do everything I wanted, but failed to as is only human. I tried to not regret, but again, as is only human, there were a few little regrets here and there. I learned, and that's that.

Two decades of my life gone like that. It was one helluva time.

I've outgrown this username and this livejournal. My absence from it for the past few weeks, month, was a prelude to my leaving it now.

I'll be blogging at russetgatsby from now on, so...

It has been one helluva time here.



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