Apr 30, 2010 11:44
(You know I'm on a rant when the title is in all caps!)
There is a "myth" that fat women are sluts. You know, because we are all so desperate to be loved we'll let anybody do anything to us.
Like many myths/stereotypes there is a pinch of truth. Many fat women do feel so unworthy of love that they will put up with a lot just so they won't be alone.
Happily, more and more fat women are realizing that they deserve to be respected, treated well, and LOVED.
More and more fat women will not "settle".
Of course, many thin and average-sized women are promiscuous and often for the same reasons fat women are - because of self hatred/feeling unworthy. Lots of people get screwed up about their self image, regardless of their size. But, the big difference is that fat people are constantly told by society, as a whole, that they are unlovable.
Talk about things that make me go GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
And what really hurts me is that society doesn't take responsibility for the harm that fat bigotry causes. Society creates a hostile environment for fat people, and then claims that all of the problems fat people have are because they are fat! Excuse me?
How often does a fat person forego getting exercise because they just can't deal with how they may be treated? Or forego medical treatment? Or forego trying for a better job? Or forego making friends?
And even if society wants to say that not all fat people are treated badly … it does not even have to be the actual treatment --- it can be just the fear of the possibility. And no one can say that fear is unjustified.
You can't smack somebody upside the head every time they smile, and then ask why they are so gloomy!
If society wants me to take responsibility for my fat body, fine. I want society to take responsibility for the damage it has causd to each and every fat person.
I'll be waiting right here for my apology --- and it better be good.