So I joined a PWI mmorpg rp group just a few days ago and damn, it's really addicting. >w>;;
hamamure and
crimsongaara both made this to keep track of their characters, I figured I should do this as well, instead of simply memorizing what skills I need to learn like I've always been doing. I feel like an idiot now.
Character: GilBeilsch (Gilbert Beilschidmt - Prussia)
Race: Earthguard
Class: Seeker
Class Information:
Hit Points (HP) gained per Vitality point 15 HP gained per level 30 Base HP regenerated per second at level 1 2 Magic Points (MP) gained per Magic point 9 MP gained per level 18 Base MP regenerated per second at level 1 1 Accuracy gained per Dexterity point 10 Evasion gained per Dexterity point 10 Base ground speed in meters per second 5.0 Chi gained per normal attack 5 Main attack damage attribute Str
- High defense level and HP
- Powerful ranged attacks
- Strong PvE debuffs
- Manipulates Attack and Defense levels of foes and allies
- Many AoEs including a sustained AoE and one that does not require a target
- Has a skill that transfers debuffs on a target
- Can deal physical and magical damage
- Low magical defense
- No reliable control skills
- No anti-control skills
- Low HP and Physical defense at low levels
- Not very good at PvP
Build (every two levels):
5 STR, 3 DEX, 2 VIT - until ~50 VIT to make a good tank (also depends on availbility to other tanks; blademasters and seekers)
then switch to damage enhanced formula:
6 STR, 4 DEX
Note: Need 255 STR and 155 DEX to wear all possible endgame gears
20 DEX = +1% crit
- Single sword/blade has faster attack speed but lower damage; prefered for auto-attack style of playing; good for marking targets with stances
- Dual swords/blades have slower attack speed but higher damage; prefered for skill-spamming style of playing
- Swords have higher consistency than blades
- Heavy Armor is recommended; may use one piece as light armor only if it can be balanced from losing physical defense to gaining magical defense
- Use both elementall belt and necklace; heavy armor users lack magic defense
- May use one element ornament and other physical since seekers have better magic defense than other classes due to their high defense levels (the reason they're better tanks at magic bosses than barbarians or blademasters)
- Might rings should be used because even metal attacks are based on base physical attack
Main Skill - max as soon as possible
Mid Level Skill - Get it to about level 5 then level after main skills are maxed/have leftover spirits/coins
Late Game Skill - Sink level 1 to it; too costly to develop early on; level after main and mid level skills are maxed
Low Priority Skill - Leaving at level 1 is fine until endgame; level if desired
Main Skills:
- Northern Sky Waltz
- Blade and Sword Mastery
- Adrenal Numbness
- Staggering Strike
- Battousai
- Stalagstrike
Mid Level Skills:
- Blade Affinity
- Bladed Fervor
- Unfetter
- Darkcloud Bolt
- Heartseeker
Late Game Skills:
- Parchedblade Dance
- Heart Shatter
- Soulsever Minuet
- Gemini Slash
- Yataghan Vortex
- Edged Blur
- Quid Pro Quo
Low Priority Skills:
- Rock Splitting Cleave
- Ion Spike
- Saber Battle
- Mind Shatter
- Voidstep
- Soul Shatter
- Krav Maga
Endgame skills:
- Arme Nier (level 79 skill)
- Last Stand (level 79 skill)
- Angels of Justice (level 80 skill)
- Radiant Sight (level 100 skill)
- Transposition (level 100 skill)
- Duelish's Glee (level 100 skill)
- Rewinding Gesture (level 100 skill)
- Sacrificial Slash (level 100 skill)
- Blood-thristy Blitz (level 100 skill)
Note: Levels 79, 80, and 100 skills can only be learned by forging a skill book
Has only level 1, no sage/demon verson