Nov 22, 2004 12:39
Wow, snow! It's snowing, really snowing. I had all of these plans to go into the city and get things done, but like most of my other Mondays, i've postponed everything until tomorrow. Its too cold outside. And as much as I don't like it, I do. Anyway...
Last night was so much fun. Went to see a jazz concert with Kasia and Cass: Rudy Linka and Miles Evans Quartet. According to my roommate, Rudy Linka is czech but the band is from the US. Rudy seemed like quite the character. He'd occasionally talk and make jokes that seemed funny because most of the crowd laughed, but seeing as how he spoke czech, I had difficulty understanding more than 5 or 6 of his mumbled words. On the way to the concert, we surfed on the trams (no hands!). Kasia has this method of tram riding mastered. I do not.
The concert itself was wonderful, very vibrant. The trumpeter (trumpeteer? trumpet player?) sounded a bit like a screeching cat at times, but other than this, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The drum and guitar solos were amazing. Drum solos, love love love!
After the concert, Kasia and I headed home while Cass stayed behind to have a beer with some of the others we ran into. On the way home, oh dear, Kasia commented on how, in english, there are only soft 'Rs.' None of the rolling of Rs that one might find in czech, polish, spanish, etc. For good reason. We attempted to roll of the Rs when we spoke (quite over-zealously, of couse). We acquiRed many stRange looks, but all the betteR. As we waited foR the bus to pull up, a man staRted talking to Kasia. She blew him off and we went to the veRy fRont of the bus. She said that we needed to act veRy stRange in oRdeR to avoid being hit on again. How could I disagRee? We pretended to be driving the bus, which allowed for much slamming into e/o accompanied by strange noises. When we got off the bus, we ran as fast as we could down the street and glancing back, we'd left the potential 'hitter on-ers' far behind. By the time we made it back to our room, the craziness was not quite ready to come to a halt. No no.
For you see..thermal underwear/long johns are a very dangerous thing. I've only worn them twice so far, and both times- out of control dancing has occurred when putting them on or getting ready to take them off. Cass was the victim of my obscure dancing the first time. And last night, twas Kasia. After laughing and commenting on how she was afraid i might hurt myself (long john dancing is not any normal sort of dancing), she finally joined in. Oh Modest Mouse, long johns, couch beds and 2 crazy girls - pozor! My roommate and I have such good chemistry. I don't mean that in a sexual or romantic way. But really, we can act absolutely insane together and not think twice about it. We can sit and talk about all the beautiful things we saw that day and know that we are both so happy to be hearing the other's stories. And we are on the same pooping schedule, if thats not chemistry i dont know what is! Plus, she chases pigeons, she slides on the ice hidden beneath the snow, she blows bubbles in her beer, she smiles and eats my deformed pancakes, she's an amazing dancer, and she makes me happy whenever I'm around her.