And this is why brains are a good idea... And sleep...

Sep 29, 2008 09:47

I was going to do sound design all day.

I got up at slagging six thirty in the morning so I could get a lift in to do sound design today.

I forgot to put the slagging adaptor in my bag or on the headphones didn't I?


I have to hang around until three o'clock as well, because my cousin's getting married near here this afternoon, and now I'm going to be dragging a great big bag with my headphones and external harddrive in it to said wedding for no good reason!

At least I brought some art theory stuff that I can research instead.

-Checks previous post-

I think this journal is turning into a 'venting about my own stupidity place.'


There are other things that I could/should say while I'm on here though.

We have a couple of ducklings in the house at the moment.  Ka, my sister Sherin has failed to give them away as quickly as she said, so you'll be able to see them when you come over.

They're very cute, and were hatched by a chicken.  Yes, you read right.  A chicken is currently taking care of a pair of baby ducklings, in a box in my room.  Long story short, the chicken went clucky and my sister had some fertile duck eggs and a friend that wanted some ducks, so... ta da!  Ducklings.

Mother has apparently taken a whole heap of photos of them, so I'll post some soon... maybe...


The other thing I wanted to say is that my assignment for the tf rare pairing challenge this time is just... ergh...  And I can't say too much about it because we're not supposed to reveal which prompt we've been given to work on.  I mean, I don't mind the pairing, but what the requester asked that I do with the pairing is squicking me out a little bit.  I won't have time to work on it for a couple of weeks though, so hopefully I will have summoned up the muse and the courage to do something spectacular with it by then.


As for the Crunchy Crust... ask me in a week and I should be pretty happy with it.  I hurt my thumb on the weekend, so progress on that hasn't been quite as good as I would have liked it to be, but we should be fine.
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