BIFF and stuff.

Aug 02, 2008 19:27

 So, I'm back at uni, with a new laptop, and not nearly as much work done for 'The Crunchy Crust' (mine and Ka's final year film for those who don't know me in RL...)  Life is slow, and boring, despite the fact that it is also very busy.  Anthony Lucas is supposedly visiting us in week three for one on one consultations, which I am most definitely looking forwards to.

BIFF (Brisbane International Film Festival) is also on at the moment.  It's one of those things that I always want to spend some time at, but I never have the time or money.  This year however, we've been told that for Screen Aesthetics we have to see at least three films there and then right a report type thingo, so I *have* to go see some, which is probably a good thing.  So, my question is for those in Brisbane, who else is going and what films were you thinking of attending, because it's so much more fun when you've got someone to go with.  I've circled about a couple of dozen screenings I would love to attend, half of which clash with each other.

In other news, why did I decide to sign up to so many fan projects/competitions?  I don't have time -sighs-  Oh well.  I shall make time!  (Hopefully you can just picture the triumphant/heroic pose I am standing in right now...)  In all honesty, there isn't all that much.  It just seems like a lot because of everything else I'm doing.
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