WTF is wrong with the Academy?

Feb 25, 2008 22:32

 Okay.  Most of the awards I'm quite happy with, but WTF?  Why did Bourne Ultimatum win anything?  That movie was terrible!  And the sound wasn't anything spectacular, especially when compared to the awesome sound in Transformers.  Call me a geek or whatever, but seriously!!!! Why!!!????
And I'm not too happy about Golden Compass winning Special Effects either. I mean, that polar bear wasn't all that good really...  I'm pretty sure that my brother was incredibly pissed off about that too considering when it was announced he threw a foot stool across the room.

Okay... I'm fine now that I've got that out of my system.

At least Ratatouille got Animated Feature.  If anything else got that then I really would be wondering what was up with the Academy.
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