Apr 27, 2006 20:10
You know what's really been irritating me lately? All of these wannabe "cyber" activists. You know, the people who not only seem to be on-line 24 hours a day and active in every community on the Internet, but spend spend half of that time complaining about the world's problems and getting all indignant about other peoples' apathy- and the other half gushing and bragging about anime, video games, computers and anything else that they can spend lots of money on for personal pleasure. Good grief, if you really cared that much about starving children, I'm sure you could find a much more productive use for your time and money than trying to convince the world that you're really a good person despite your excesses.
It's not that I think that every person who's ever held a conviction on the Internet is some sort of fraud; there's nothing wrong with supporting causes you believe in. However, somewhere along the line we seem to have confused words with deeds, and nothing will ever get solved that way. People who recognize a problem but take no action against it are just as much a part of the problem as everyone else. In any case, this is how I see it: people who truly, deeply care as much as these others claim to don't have that time to whine about it on-line- they're too busy going out there and helping out.
(For anyone who thinks I'm some sort of hypocrit for slamming other people who don't do anything when I don't seem to do much myself, I'd like to make clear that I don't consider myself a particularly "good" person or any less responsible for the world's woes. I do try to change that, sometimes, but any and all actions on my part I tend to keep private. Good deeds are their own reward; pleasant though it can be, there's no need to be recognized for them.)