Feb 07, 2006 18:36
ok so i havent really updated in awhile cause it's been mad crazy but here is a brief list of sorts of events,ideas, theories, happening, questions and answer:
-what the fuck is it with all of our art teachers making us doing projects that some how invovle homelessness?? seriously i had to make my own homeless shelter last semseter, in drawing today i had to draw myself as if i was homeless, and staisy had to write a paper on being homeless. do you think they are trying to give us some kind of hint or what?
-this is the description of a Fashion Major
"you will learn the skills to be a designer in the fashion industry. With your MassArt education, your employment options in the fashion industry will be open to inculde apparel designing, trend and market forecasting, technical and productio manufacturing, as well as custom designing and stylizing opportunities in the specialty areas of eveningwear, bridal and costume."
-i have to write a paper on slavery for American Thought and Government, which is sketchy just a American History class which brings the total of history classes i am taking this semster up to 3 ( art history, american history, and fashion history)
-apartment hunting continues as the fact that we are not going to get dorm housing because more clear.
-had a wonderful time in West Palm Beach, but the about of southerns scared me a lot. though i did meet someone from wisconsin which is sooo funny, and btw she has a boyfriend..hmmmm
-i am in NO way jealous that kitty cat is teaching convicts to read, cause 1. i can't read and 2. umm thats waaaay scurrry
-this friday i'm going to get tested for dyslecsia ( durr i can't spell) and other varies things
-i ran out of my paxil yesterday and if i tell my mum she is going to fucking flip that i didn't tell her sooner but i didn't realize i needed more till i got back from palm beach, soo i won't be getting more till thursday,,, we'll see how that goes
-gonna come home for presidents weekendish i think
-can't wait till spring break
-going to look for a job on newbury street this weekend, i hope i can get something
-lots of amounts of weirdness/sketchyness/akwardness have happend with a boy that will not be named, so the debate continues, even though some have "vetoed" him i still haven't i can't stop thinking about it and everything and i'm like omg jenna shut the fuck up! but basically is he not talking to me cause i'm not talking to him, cause i'm not talking to him cause he isn't talking to me, but generally we both are talking but not at the same amount that we were before break....anywho i ask all who know whom i am talking about to list 2 good reasons that i can veto if i don't like them as to why i should not persue this boy again, they cann't repeat and it can't just be "cause i say soo" unless you are jesse but they jesse has to come up with 2 other ones.
anywho thats about it, i have to go write my paper on slavery now..