After worrying about my Algebra test, not getting enough time to study for it due to training a newb at work, and leaving with the feeling I had failed miserably, I got a 70%. I was a little frustrated that some of the things I missed were for stupid reasons. 910-630=550? Uh, ok. I even used my calculator for everything since I know I suck balls at math. At least he went back and gave partial credit and stuff but he probably thinks I'm a moron. He's also so freaking awesome that he's gonna let us retake the test next week if we want on our own time. I feel like I have to. I mean even if I only do marginally better at crunch time if I'm a few points off I'll at least feel like I did everything I could, ya know?
Also, I'm getting this little crush on him. He's from Ghana which means he has this awesome accent. He gets talking really fast and I find it fascinating. I have to ask him what the hell he just said sometimes but he's adorable. He laughs sometimes when we are stupid and I think I love him.
Well, maybe it's not that deep but he is adorable.
I missed Bryan and Heather before but now I reeeeaaaallllllyyyy miss them. I have used all my training skills (not to brag but they are considerable) and she is totally not getting it. I know there are a couple of reasons for this...
1) She's not a night owl and Lynn is making her train on thirds. By about 3 or 4 am she is barely able to keep her eyes open let alone learn stuff.
2) On third shift I get about 2 reservations per night on a busy night. She is inevitably out of the room every stinking time I get one. Not her fault but smoking is inhibiting her training. I think she's heard me do one and she's done one with me holding her little hand all the way through it. Doing net rezes only teaches so much.
3) She doesn't like when I tell her what to do. I think she feels like we should do things as they come on the phone and my mock reservations annoy the crap out of her. I think she thinks I ask her questions that will trip her up on purpose. (Which, duh, it's training. I want her to know how to look stuff up. Not just memorize easy stuff.)
4) I think she was under the impression that what we do is sit around and talk all night and now she is resentful at having to do actual work. I could be off but that's the vibe I'm getting.
One of the other ladies I work with said something about how all trainees should be trained on day shift and I wanted to ask her who the hell was going to do the work of training someone? Certainly not her. She asked if I would print her out copies of all the training manuals I typed up so that she could be sure she knows how to do everything. She's worked there 15 fucking years!! Why am I the lowest paid with the least seniority (except for Jinger) and I'm the trainer?! I know if I ask my boss these questions I won't have to train anymore but the petty silent treatment would probably be worse.
She has two more nights with me and then I can go back to normal. I hope. But she's so bad right now I don't feel like I can turn her loose on her own. It makes me feel inadequate.