So, another episode down and six to go till the (bitter?) end of S5 and possibly, if rumours are to be believed, the entire show. And …where are we now?
Well, actually, we’re back in S4. Or is it S3? Deep anyway in the Merlin producers thumb-sucking comfort zone of ‘Merlin trying singlehandedly (save Gaius - the device to enable us to know his
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No offence to Bradley (who must have had a horrible time trying to do *anything* with the BS he's given), but Arthur annoyed me so much that I hoped he'd be out of it and ill most of the episode, just so we wouldn't have to watch his regression into a "yes, mummy" boy.
On the other hand, Merlin had magic this episode, which made me remember what it used to be like to watch Merlin. Of course, this season is nowhere near as good as the original Morgana/Morgause storyline it's copying from, so I'm not sure whether it's a good thing to have some light in the endless tunnel.
I have to say though: compared to last week's, the dialogue was quite intelligent and seemed to connect more to the actual characters than the last few eps. While I'm not a fan of Dragoon and couldn't help but roll my eyes at the blatant "there-for-the-sake-of-it" introduction, his quibs reminded me of Merlin. You know, back when he laughed about things. When he actually was trying to be funny with his insults.
I can't believe they will drag this already stale Gwen arc over another two episodes. There is simply *nothing* there! Morgana can't develop because they've flattened her character into the world's most overdramatic pancake. Gwen can't develop because she's allegedly brainwashed. Arthur can't develop because he's not allowed to notice anything. Merlin can't develop as long as Arthur doesn't, and as long as he keeps hiding. The knights will certainly not get any focus, as we could see in their misuse this ep. Mordred is currently part of the castle decor, waiting for his arc to be mentioned.
So what on earth will they even do? O.o
This is the perfect summary. I don't know whether to laugh or weep ... *chooses something in between*
I can hardly believe they'll drag out this arc either but they will - its shamelessly a repeat of what went before but why should they care when the audience and the critics accept anything they do?
Morgana can't develop because they've flattened her character into the world's most overdramatic pancake. Gwen can't develop because she's allegedly brainwashed. Arthur can't develop because he's not allowed to notice anything. Merlin can't develop as long as Arthur doesn't, and as long as he keeps hiding. The knights will certainly not get any focus, as we could see in their misuse this ep. Mordred is currently part of the castle decor, waiting for his arc to be mentioned.
As Merlinhiver says - you sum it up beautifully!
What will they do? Well rom what I gather, have yet another Try to Kill Arthur episode (how many, oh Lord?) then an episode in which Gwen is returned to perfect sainthood with no harm done (will Arthur even know she tried to kill him repeatedly? Will it have any impact on his behaviour toward her/trust in her, knowing that she could lie so well and may still secretly hate him? Some chance. That would be human and realistic). Then one last padding ep with Morgana chasing Emrys *again*. Then we'll get an episode in which they stop padding and rerunning and return to the supposed season arc (what a joke that turned out to be) by turning Mordred bad- not that we've had much chance to see who he is or anything but whats new? Its far more important to give Gwen her requisite screen minutes. Then the finale, which the producers seem to believe all this reheated dramatic porridge and endless resetting and self indulgence and running on the spot will justify. Morgana will be in it alot but we may be spared much more Gwen once she's boring again. The end. :(
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