So, another episode down and six to go till the (bitter?) end of S5 and possibly, if rumours are to be believed, the entire show. And …where are we now?
Well, actually, we’re back in S4. Or is it S3? Deep anyway in the Merlin producers thumb-sucking comfort zone of ‘Merlin trying singlehandedly (save Gaius - the device to enable us to know his
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Stepford Arthur suddenly materialized, to display and constantly declare, his slavish devotion to his wife, in a way we haven’t seen this season at all.Yeah, in a way this is worse than anything we've seen so far (and they're already pretty bad). Arthur didn't look convinced by Gwen's reasons and yet he ran back to her without demur. Now disregarding Arthur character (which they're hell bent on destroying) and talk only of AG (their Quest or something), so Arthur patronises, lies to, doesn't listen to normal ( ... )
You and me both ... and you're absolutely right: staying detached seems like the only way to keep one's sanity through what TPTB still have in store for us ...
I came out of this ep with a huge 'I love Colin' too - he really was superb in it...he kind of brought Merlin back to life somehow... sewed his balls back on.
The A/G - I knooowww. It's just aimed at such a childish level its painful. We've seen how much attention Arthur pays to Gwen's 'advice' when she's ok and their relationship is normal; when she turns bad he can instantly barely manage independent movement without her say so. Its awful stuff, yet Ive actually seen some fans thrilled to see it, and taking it as a representation of their marriage. I saw one actually wanting it to be a ( ... )
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