[ LOG - IN PROGRESS ] [ just asking for trouble, really ]

Feb 14, 2008 22:02

Who; Matt [technopathetic] & Near [veiled_varacity]
What; Practice of the supernatural sort and resulting chaos.
Where; Near some not-quite-collapsed buildings.
When; Midday-ish.
Warnings; Buildings fall. And Matt has a gutter-mouth.

It was common knowledge that the city in general wasn't a very pretty thing to look at - far too many demolished buildings and torn-up fountains and collapsed walls to be aesthetic. But then there were always the strange things that caught one's eye. Like those random monsters lumbering by. Like those few people scattered in the alleyways in order to live. Like the few survivors holed up in buildings. Like the thirty-foot rock golem awkwardly stumping down the main street.

Matt rather liked it.

Controlling golems, he'd found out, wasn't so much an art as it was like a video-game - just took a little practice, then it was the same button-combos as always for everything. A twist of the finger in one direction was like the quarter-turn-triangle-square button combo that made the golem turn around and look over, while a different sort of gesture made it raise an arm in awkward salute.

Everything, really, was just a game, if you broke it down into its component.

The golem he was toying with at the moment did have a few design issues - the head looked oddly disshaped, Matt had never really been that good at art - and the legs were a tad bit too stumpy for the golem to move smoothly, but hey, better than what he'd started out with. A snap of the fingers, and it turned around, hole-for-a-mouth twisting in what looked a bit like a stupid smile.

"Maybe I should name you," Matt muttered, cigarette muffling his words. "Something like Fluffy. Just for the hilarity factor." The golem answered by just standing there, grinning dumbly - some poor robin mistook it for a statue and sat down on its head - until Matt made the golem to a jumping jack that jarred the ground, and the hapless bird flew off in a panic.

A low laugh, and Matt cracked his knuckles. "Now, what else can I try."
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