.315 44HR 117 RBIs

Apr 03, 2006 15:06

I'm in the process of redaing the yearly "MLB Perdictions" by ESPN personality D.J. Gallo. Again, he doesn't fail to impress. This guy is absolutely hilarious, and the satire on baseball is great. If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely love baseball, and if you like baseball or have any knowledge of it, I suggest going to ESPN's website and check out the second page stories. His work never gets old, it's absolutely hilarious.

Well, it's the first day of the baseball season, and as a Cubs follower, I need to officially admit that their season is over. So, just like last year, I'll make sure to keep my attention on my three other favorite teams, the White Sox, the A's and the Angels. *sigh*

And since the season is so early, I'm gonna go ahead and make the ol' "Season Perdictions"...

American League: Mark Teixeira (Rangers)- .311 BA, 38 HR, 130 RBIs, Gold Glove at 1st Base
National League: Albert Pujols (Cardinals)- .332 BA, 44 HR, 121 RBIs

Cy Young
American League: Rich Harden (A's)- 20-5 W/L, 2.97 ERA, 217K's
National League: Roy Oswalt (Astros)- 22-6 W/L 2.66 ERA, 244K's

Playoff Race
AL East: Yankees
AL Central: White Sox
AL West: A's
Wild Card: Angels

NL East: Mets
NL Central: Cardinals
NL West: Dodgers

AL Champ: White Sox
NL Champ: Mets
World Series: White Sox over Mets in 6, Paul Konerko MVP

I want to be a baseball historian when I grow up.
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